Trying to Control Your Teen Hurts Your Teen

Just Because Everyone Does It Doesn't Make It Right

Do You Like It When Others Try To Control You?

There's a Better Way

If You Continue to Control, Your Relationship will Suffer

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This is one of my most popular trainings that I do.

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Take the free Parent Trap quiz

If you have a teen you should take this Parent Trap Quiz .

It will help you uncover specific parenting patterns that might be hindering your relationship with your teen.
By identifying your Parent Trap, you gain the tools to have better communication, resolve conflicts, and build greater confidence in your parenting decisions.
This self-awareness ultimately strengthens your relationship with your teen, which leads to a more open and harmonious connection.

This quiz is your gateway to becoming the parent of your dreams and paving the way for a happier and healthier family life.


Already taken the quiz?
Check out my New ABSOLUTELY FREE Audio Course: Parenting from the Inside Out!