Previous Episode: Future Self

Two Traditions, "Christmas Gift!" and Find the Lamb

My wife's family has a tradition. 

Each Christmas, people try to be the first to greet one another by saying, "Christmas Gift!"

We try to sneak in to the house without being seen, just so we can catch someone unaware and "Christmas Gift" them. 

It's a fun tradition that gets the whole family involved.

In my home we have a huge Christmas Village. There are 15 houses/buildings, 2 ponds with skaters, 2 bridges, a train, a nativity scene, and 1 lamb. 

The tradition is that someone hides the lamb in the village, and everyone else tries to find it amongst all the distractions. It helps us remember the reason we celebrate Christmas. 

A Christmas gift for YOU and your teen?

This Christmas, I want to invite you to give yourself a powerful Christmas gift! You will also give this gift to your teen, but I promise, you will benefit the most from it.

This gift has two daily exercises.

Exercise #1: For the next 7 days, spend a few minutes throughout the day looking for evidence that you are a great parent. Identify things that you think you are doing well. Identify things that you like about yourself. Remember to look for them throughout the day. 

Then in the evening, write down a list of 10 things that you found that support the idea that you ARE a great parent. 

Repeat this exercise every day for the next 7 days. 

Exercise #2: For the next 7 days, spend a few minutes throughout the day looking for evidence that your teenager IS doing their best. Identify things that you think they are doing well. Identify things that you like about them. Remember to look for them throughout the day. 

Then in the evening, write down a list of 10 things that you found that support the idea that your teenager IS doing their best. 

Repeat this exercise every day for the next 7 days. 

You find what you are looking for/You are where your focus is!

What you look for you will find. We've been conditioned to find the negative. Let's change that. Let's look for the positive. 

This will change how you feel towards yourself!

This will change how you feel towards your teen. 

How you feel towards your teen is a reflection/projection of how you feel about yourself. 

This truly is the best gift you can give yourself this Christmas.

Call to ACTION!

Join my group coaching program if you'd like to dive deeper into gratitude and goals during the month of November. I promise that this will help you become the parent of your dreams. 

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Do you want to become confident in your parenting?
Are you ready to stop power struggling with your teenager?
Do you just want help and support from other parents just like you?
Are you ready to build a rock-solid relationship with your teen?

Take the free Parent Trap quiz

If you have a teen you should take this Parent Trap Quiz .

It will help you uncover specific parenting patterns that might be hindering your relationship with your teen.
By identifying your Parent Trap, you gain the tools to have better communication, resolve conflicts, and build greater confidence in your parenting decisions.
This self-awareness ultimately strengthens your relationship with your teen, which leads to a more open and harmonious connection.

This quiz is your gateway to becoming the parent of your dreams and paving the way for a happier and healthier family life.


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