In today’s full-length episode of Impact Marketer, we’re interviewing Gilad Rom. Gilad is the founder of Huan, one of the biggest pet protection services in the United States. He turned a 6-month sabbatical into a service that uses your smartphone and bluetooth smart tags to locate your missing pets. Not only that, Huan’s been featured on Hallmark, Reader's Digest, San Fernando Valley Business Journal, and Giftbee and garnered over 2000 users while bootstrapping.

Huan has also worked with over a half-dozen dog rescue groups from Dogs Without Borders, Wags & Walks, and Angel City Pit Bull to name a few. Gilad took one of his greatest fears, which is losing his dog, and created a phenomenal product that sells itself… Which nearly cleared out his inventory as it went viral in upstate New York last year.

On this episode, you’ll learn:

How To Launch A Hardware Tech Start-Up Without Getting Outside Funding.

Where To Find The Right Customers For Your Start-Up Even If You’re Starting From Scratch.

How To Make People Find Value In What Your Brand Is Doing So They Sell It For You, Without You Asking

Connect with Gilad Rom:
Twitter: @giladrom/@gethuan