Production team:

Host : Maria Xenidou

Producer: Julie-Roxane Krikorian

Introduction Voice: David Bourne

Contact us:

[email protected]

Music credits:

Like Lee performed by The Mini Vandals

Transition sounds: Swamp Walks performed by Jingle Punks

Where to find Stefanie Faye Frank:

Stefanie's LinkedIn

Youtube channel

Podcast - Mindset Neuroscience Podcast

Upcoming TEDx Talk

Stefanie's courses:

The Growth Mindset Course

Mentioned in this episode

MIT Physicist Max Erik Tegmark

Angela Duckworth - the Grit researcher

NY Times Article on Gabriele Oettingen and the concept of Mental Contrasting
Gabriele Oettingen's Wikipedia page

To go further on Self-directed Neuroplasticity:

Jeffrey M. Schwartz's website

His Wikipedia page

His book: The Mind and the Brain: Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force with co-author Sharon Begley

Dr. Mario Beauregard


Neuroplasticity: Self-Directed Neuroplasticity Exercises

Self-Directed Neuroplasticity: Consciously Changing Your Brain Function

Paper by Tim Klein, Beth Kendall and Theresa Tougas, Changing Brains, Changing Lives: Researching the Lived Experience of Individuals Practicing Self-Directed Neuroplasticity

Listen to this episode and explore:

How to develop a growth mindset? (3:09)
- Safe environment
- Knowing the neuroplasticity science behind it
- Celebrating mistakes
- Acknowledging the micro progress
Teachers need to be learners and model mistakes as well (9:47)
Self-directed neuroplasticity: Intention, Visualization, Action (13:21)
The mark Stefanie wants to leave during her lifetime (28:09)