We are proud to be celebrating The Impact Farming Show's 5th Anniversary. In celebration of this exciting milestone, we are counting down and rebroadcasting the TOP 4 episodes from season 5.

This week we are excited to bring you our 2nd highest listened to and watched episode titled "Combyne Ag".

Originally aired on March 8, 2023

Attention all Grain Producers. When it comes to managing the crop marketing side of running a farm, Combyne’s goal is to leave uncertainty in the past. While there will always be factors you can’t control (weather, crop prices etc.), you can be proactive in optimizing revenue management from selling crops and minimizing associated risks. 

Tune in to this weeks 2nd place episode to learn more about Combyne Ag. 


In this week’s “Innovation in Agriculture Spotlight,” Tracy speaks with Alain Goubau from Combyne Ag.

In this conversation, Tracy & Alain discuss:

Who is Combyne Ag, what services do they provide, and who is their ideal user? Alain shares more about “the why” behind bringing Combyne to the agriculture marketplace. He shares more about the features, benefits, and what farmers can expect from the Combyne platform. Tracy and Alain review the agriculture marketplace and how Combyne fits into the landscape. Combyne recently made a big announcement, and Alain shares the exciting details with our audience. Alain wraps up by sharing what’s next, the long-term vision for Combyne, and what farmers can expect going forward.

Are you a grain producer? If so, you will not want to miss learning more about this innovative crop marketing operating system built specifically for farms.


Innovation in Agriculture

Please take a moment to check out this week's Innovation in Agriculture feature: Combyne Ag

A crop marketing management app

Combyne helps make quick decisions about grain sales on-the-go. Not sure what you have left in the bin, what inventory you’ve got left to sell, what deliveries are coming up? Access all of it and more on Combyne, right from your phone.

Learn More
