This week we are rebroadcasting episode 156 "The Farm Whisperer" with Dave Specht. 

Spring is often the time of year when the question arises of whether or not it's time to pass down the family farm. We tend to think of Spring as the time for new beginnings.  If you are questioning the status of you and your farm business, then ask yourself these: 

Are you certain that your farm is positioned to stay in the family for another generation?

Have you confronted the difficult and sometimes uncomfortable questions of management and ownership succession?

If you answered no to any of these questions, you are not alone. It is for this purpose that, "The Farm Whisperer" was written.

Tracy chats with Dave about the book. Why he wrote it, his mission, and much more.

About “The Farm Whisperer”

In this book you will discover the key pitfalls that families face with generational farm transitions and you will come away with strategies to help you in your own succession process. The Farm Whisperer is an actionable guide to help begin discussions and get your family started on this important journey. While The Farm Whisperer offers no silver bullet guarantees, it does provide questions, processes and a framework to get started on being intentional about, "Preserving Your Family and Perpetuating Your Farm." Your family, your farm and your community are counting on you. You can do it and "The Farm Whisperer" can help!

Are you interested in preserving your family and perpetuating the farm? If so, you will not want to miss this episode.



Get YOUR copy of Dave Specht's book TODAY!
BUY "The Farm Whisperer" HERE

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