In this week’s episode, Tracy speaks to Tom Field, Professor at The University Nebraska-Lincoln, about a paradigm-shifting concept called “Re-Imagine Going Back to The Farm”.

Have you heard of the Engler Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Program? It is an innovative program at UNL that teaches agriculture students entrepreneurial skills and mindset. Through this program, many great entrepreneurs and businesses are born. In the end, many of these students go back to the farm; however, they tend to do it a little differently and with a more entrepreneurial mindset. Many go back with a side hustle or create one shortly after returning to the farm.

This is how Tom’s concept of “Re-Imagine Going Back to The Farm” was born. The World is no longer the same place that it was when our parents and grandparents started farming. High investment, the farm's ability to support another wage, and numerous other factors can make it challenging for the next generation to return to the farm. However, with the technology available in today’s World, going back to the farm no longer needs to be such an all-or-nothing approach.

In this episode, Tracy and Tom explore exactly that. They chat about:

Tom’s observations on the way kids go back to the farm, the biggest mistakes made, and how he would like to see this dynamic change. Tom introduces us to the powerful concept of re-imaging going back to the farm and why he feels that this is a critical conversation that farm families should be having. He shares how “different is the new normal” and provides examples of side hustles that the next generation, non-farming spouse, or non-farming children can create to complement the farming operation. A side hustle, or new enterprise, provides additional off-farm income and can be a great avenue for non-farming family members to thrive as well. They chat about a few of Tom’s favorite powerful questions that should be asked to prevent founders and the next generation from falling prey to mixed expectations and assumptions. These questions will ensure each generation is aligned before starting on the journey. In true Tom fashion, he wraps the episode up with powerful and encouraging words of wisdom for our audience.

This episode is great for farm founders, the next generation, non-farming spouses, and even non-farming children. In this episode, Tom truly does share some game-changing ideas and information to help us “Re-imagine Going Back To The Farm”.

Join us for this exciting and invigorating look at going back to the farm.


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