Featured Product

Whoever said beans are beans is sadly mistaken. New Pioneer® brand A-Series Enlist E3® soybeans feature our own exclusive, high-performing genetics. These beans are like no other. Literally.

Developed and Tested to Deliver Performance on Your Farm

Pioneer® brand A-Series soybeans are products of research innovations powered by AYT 4.0, our proprietary tool for more rapidly developing products with the highest yield potential. Our extensive localized breeding and testing program helps ensure your A-Series soybeans deliver superior yield potential in your fields.

In this Product Spotlight,Tracy speaks to Evelyn Valera Rojas about Enlist E3 soybeans.

Evelyn shares what is unique about Enlist E3® soybeans and why growers should be growing these beans. They discuss standards. Tracy asks how they ensure Enlist E3® soybeans perform to the highest standard in Canadian conditions.

Are you interested to learn more? Tune into today’s segment.



Thank You to our Product Spotlight: Enlist E3® soybeans

Learn more about Enlist E3® soybeans


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