In this week’s program, Tracy speaks with Tom Field about “Leaving The Covid Cave…Let’s Get Life Back To Normal Already.”

For many in agriculture, the pandemic did not impact us on a day-to-day level the same as it did for urban individuals; however, when it comes to life, personal relationships, and community involvement…many individuals were impacted greatly.

After two years, it’s time that we step forward, leave the covid cave, and get life back to normal again.
In this episode, Tracy and Tom chat about:

Taking action to reclaim authority – Small steps are fine…just continue to move forward towards something. Acknowledging the residual impacts of the last two years when it comes to stress, fatigue, grief, etc., and the importance of moving towards health and wellness. Getting past fear while acknowledging the challenges; don’t let a culture of fear set up shop in your brain, in your family, or on the farm. This is so important! Tom shares his formula for helping individuals get back to normal: Reengage – interact – connect – socialize. The power of learning new knowledge as a way to move yourself forward when you don’t know how.

Tom’s message is that we cannot continue to retreat…we need to physically and mentally leave the covid cave.
It’s time to get back to living life again. Give yourself permission as no one else will.

Tom shares some AMAZING insights in this episode, and I have a feeling that this message is THE message that everyone needs to hear right now.



Here is the song that Tom mentions towards the end of the episode. He hopes you enjoy the song… (click on the image below)

