In this week’s episode, we speak to Patti Durand about advice for the second generation in this episode titled “I’ve Got My Foot In The Door… Now What?”

As a Farm Credit Canada Business Advisor for Transition, Patti works with many farm families to assist them in transferring the farm from the founders to the junior partners. In this work, they see many trends and patterns, and Patti is excited to join us this week to share some actionable for the junior partner.

In this episode, Patti and Tracy chat about:

Patti shares more about Farm Credit Canada's farm transition team, their work, and the difference they are looking to make in the Canadian agriculture industry. She shares a prevalent theme they see where junior partners (the next generation) are trying to “prove” they are ready to take over leadership and ownership of the farm; however, they are guessing BADLY at times. Tracy and Patti discuss the MANY factors and tasks involved in transition planning. Patti then shares the four key things that the junior partner on the farm can focus their efforts on in a productive way.

Are you part of the next generation that is looking to take over your family farm? Do you feel like you are spinning your wheels and getting nowhere fast? If so, we KNOW this episode is precisely what you need to hear today.

Tune in now and make sure to download the FREE resources kindly provided by Patti and her team at Farm Credit Canada. 

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Pdf – Knowledge & Training Assessment - Focus on Transition Video Series (5-10 minute videos talking about common pitfalls, tips and tricks) -