In this week’s episode, Tracy speaks with Dr. Ken Keis in this episode titled “How Stressed Are You?”

Ken states that over 90% of all illnesses are lifestyle-related and over 50% of the global workforce is highly stressed.” Ken goes on to say that in farming, that 50% of the “workforce” being highly stressed would be dramatically higher.

So just how stressed are you?

In this episode, Tracy and Ken chat about:

The latest research on what stress costs us in lost productivity and quality of life. Ken shares some alarming insight into just how much impact stress is having on us. He shares some wellness improvement and stress reduction tips. Through Ken’s research and body of work, he has developed three tools to help individuals to improve their overall health and wellness. He shares more about his excellent books and courses with our audience.

Are you feeling the stress of a tough farming year(s)? If so, you might not want to miss this episode.

Ken has also kindly provided a FREE copy of his e-book The Quest For Purpose. You can download it below and make sure to check out his other great resources.



Download your FREE GIFT from Ken Keis - an e-copy of his book "The Quest For Purpose"

Gallup research confirmed that nearly 90% of employees are indifferent or actively disengaged at work. Less than 10% of the population believes that they are living a fulfilling life On Purpose! These are disturbing statistics. That means there is a 9 out of 10 chance that you are one of these unfulfilled individuals—would you like to change that?

The Quest For Purpose is a roadmap for assisting individuals to live a life full of meaning, significance, and purpose!

 Check out Ken's work
 Dying To Live: Breakthrough Stress Reduction and Wellness Improvement Strategies   eCourse!

 Discover the Foundation of Personal and Professional Success with CRG’s Expertly Designed   eCourse  REGISTER HERE

Take the 
Personal Indicator Quiz Today!

Research has confirmed that your (our) Self-Awareness is the secret ingredient (meta-skill) for success in the 21st century. People who understand who they are—and how they’re seen—make smarter choices, build positive relationships, enjoy more successful careers, feel more fulfilled and live better lives.  Learn More


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