In this week’s episode, Tracy speaks to Sarah Foster from 20/20 Seed Labs about “20/20 Seed Labs & Celebrating 35 Years In Business.”

In this episode, Tracy and Sarah discuss:

Sarah’s background, her immigration to Canada, and why she decided to launch 20/20 Seed Labs. Sarah shares more about 20/20 Seed Labs including who they are, what they do, and who their core customers are. They then delve into the unique aspects of Sarah’s entrepreneurial journey, including the biggest challenges, best things, and most surprising things about starting a business. 20/20 Seed Labs is on the brink of a significant milestone-35 years in business, a remarkable achievement. Tracy asks Sarah, “What are you personally most proud of as you reflect on these 35 years of business?” Looking forward, Tracy asks Sarah what she sees as the biggest opportunities and challenges for her company and the agriculture industry as a whole. Sarah discusses the crucial role of seed testing in the context of feeding a growing population, adapting crops to changing climates, and the future of agriculture. In true entrepreneurial style, Sarah shares some words of wisdom with other business owners and aspiring business owners.

If you are curious about seed testing and love a great entrepreneurial story, you should tune into this episode.

Thanks for tuning in,




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