How does personal responsibility create a trusted environment for vulnerability? Why should you choose significance over success? What is the mark of maturation in a leader?
In this episode, I’m excited to introduce you to my new friend, Eric Pfeiffer. He is the author of Leadership Gravitas and the co-founder of MPWR Coaching. One of the things I really appreciated about Eric’s book is how much the experiences he had paralleled my own. As Eric explains, being in a period of adversity really forced him to look at the world around him and address his blind spots. Throughout this episode, Eric highlights the four different quadrants of leadership: and the importance of taking personal responsibility.
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How does personal responsibility create a trusted environment for vulnerability? Why should you choose significance over success? What is the mark of maturation in a leader?

In this episode, I’m excited to introduce you to my new friend, Eric Pfeiffer. He is the author of Leadership Gravitas and the co-founder of MPWR Coaching. One of the things I really appreciated about Eric’s book is how much the experiences he had paralleled my own. As Eric explains, being in a period of adversity really forced him to look at the world around him and address his blind spots. Throughout this episode, Eric highlights the four different quadrants of leadership: and the importance of taking personal responsibility.

Thanks for listening! I'd love to connect with you over on Instagram @impactdrivenleader


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