This Agent 251 episode is the second part of our conversation with Pastor Shawn Reine (Motivational Speaker, Life Coach & Church Planter) about the attitude shift in business leadership and The Reine Effect - a BIG GIVE mindset. The BIG GIVE is Reine's energizing and infectious philosophy of learning to give abundantly to impact the lives of others and your community without any expectation of return. Hear how this "giving" perspective can be a transformative path to finding a sense of fulfillment, purpose, and a stronger connection to the world around you.

Listen to The Reine Effect - Part 1

What’s the one thing that is holding you back in your life and career? Agent 251, Jason Will, candidly shares his struggles with overvaluing money, alcohol and the fear of not being the leader he needs to be. Pastor Shawn Reine discusses some simple and practical first steps to embracing generosity and investing in others as a way of becoming the best version of ourselves. Implementing the core values of "The Big Give Mindset" can strengthen your personal life and company's culture and environment.


The Big Give is more than just a financial donation. It's a four-part mindset based on taking the time and energy to make a difference and impact in the lives of the community around you and bringing others on that journey.

1. GIVING UP mindsets and relationships that are dragging us down
2. GIVING BACK - Volunteering and investing in others and communities
3. GIVING FORWARD is paying it forward and inspiring others to make a difference
4. GIVING DOWN the power of mentoring and legacy passed on to others.


THE BIG GIVE - First Steps

1. Better Relationships
Find relationships that challenge you and push back with honesty, truth, and respect. Lose all YES people that surround you, and you will start to see those areas in our lives of weakness that need improvement.

2. Reading & Learning
Leaders aren’t just readers; they are learners. Learners, that frequently ask, "how is what I am learning impacting the decisions and actions and behavior in my life?"

3. Humility
Be open to the fact that there could be a higher power bigger than you. Admit to ourselves that we don't have it figured out and/or have all the answers.

4. Open Your Eyes To Need
Many of us give out of an existing obligation or an emotional pull. Becoming aware and starting to see the needs of others is a transformative behavior to embracing true generosity.

Quotable Quotes:

I had a millionaire mindset, but I didn’t have the bank account to back it up - Jason Will

Change happens incrementally. If you make a 1 Degree change in 180 days, you can be going in an opposite direction.

Once we start to change the little things the bug things start to fall into place.

Knowledge is not power. Applied knowledge is power - Shawn Reine

Just open open to the fact that there could be a higher power bigger than you. - Shawn Reine

Some people have had bad experiences with Church, but don’t look at the extremes and judge the whole. - - Shawn Reine

You can give out of an emotional pull or a seen need. That ability to see need is a transformative behavior that centers you. - Shawn Reine

I am working on a JWRE core value of coming at things from curiosity, not judgment. - Jason Will

Different results require different actions. Big results require big actions. Let’s take big actions and give big in 2018. - - Shawn Reine

On Facebook, we see other peoples personal ESPN highlights, but I compare and judge my life by my blooper reel. - Shawn Reine

If my entire life is helping one person to be closer to God, then I will call that success. -Shawn Reine

If I can get one significant thing out of a sermon, lecture, book or podcast that can be the one thing that effects change in myself and others. -Shawn Reine


H3 Leadership: Be Humble. Stay Hungry. Always Hustle. - Brad Lomenick

Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World - Gary Vaynerchuk