Can embracing selfless giving and generosity in your life and company culture improve your attitude, energy, morale and bottom line in the coming year?

Like clockwork, going into the New Year individuals and businesses look at improving their practices, habits, and outlook for the coming year. In the spirit of this season, Agent 251 is giving you a big spark of inspiration to recharge and renew your daily life and company culture. Meet Pastor Shawn Reine, Church Planter and Motivational Speaker. Shawn shares his message of the "Big Give" - purposely embracing generosity and "giving to others" in all aspects of your life. When not preaching the Gospel, Reine is speaking to and motivating business owners, employees, community leaders, and the Denver Broncos (yes...those Broncos) to be aware of the unique opportunity and influence they have to give back more to the world than money, better products, and services. Pastor Reine asks us all to consider aligning our heart, attitude, and motives with the purpose of advancing and investing in others. This act and mindset of generous giving is what Agent 251 has dubbed the "Reine Effect." This conscious decision to increase the frequency of selflessly sharing your abundance, knowledge, skills, attention, and hope can be a transformative catalyst to a more fulfilled personal life, an energized company cultural and stronger communities.

The Reine Effect "Giving" Model:

1. Building someone else up to advance them.
2. Investing in others.
3. Make it contagious.
4. Giving to get is not the purpose.
5. It’s not just financial.
6. Start now and where you are, don’t wait til you have enough money or time.
7. Make giving personal and driven by passion, not just an interest or “hitting numbers.”
8. Bring along others.

Quotable Quotes

You can’t control everything. Just control the controllable and you can bring change. - Shawn Reine

It’s not what I am owed or deserve, but it should be how I can serve others? How can I invest in others? - Jason Will

Things and possessions have a shelf life and never really provide fulfillment. - Jason Will

No one has ever become poor by giving. - Shawn Reine - Anne Frank

I love the idea of looking at our lives to add value to the lives of everyone around us. - Shawn Reine

I want others to my generosity in my heart so that they aren’t generous to me but be inspired to give more to someone else. - Shawn Reine

Time is one of the most valuable commodities we have to give. - Shawn Reine

Even looking for ways to give is a charitable act. - Jason Will

Look where you can make deposits not withdrawals in life. - Jason Will

Company owners & leaders should realize that their company has more to offer this world than the products they create and the services they deliver. - Shawn Reine

Give your influence. It’s not just what I can do but how can I influence others to join in. - Shawn Reine

Don’t give to be seen giving. But being seen giving produces more generosity. Bring people along with you. - Shawn Reine

Stop giving power to those things we cannot change. - Jason Will


More about Shawn Reine

Shawn Reine is a Church Planter, Lead Pastor, Student Pastor, National Camp Speaker, Community Leader, Entrepreneur, Sports Chaplain, Motivational Speaker, Fitness and Triathlon Coach. A self-described "adventure seeker, a connector of people and a Communicator of truth and life and hope, his talks inspire his audience to give abundantly more than they ever hope to receive in return. The passionate and emotional delivery of his selfish to selfless message plants a desire in those who will listen to simply want to be better stewards of both time, opportunity, and each other.