Prepare yourself for one powerful story in this episode. Jason interviews the author, and Tony Robins Trained Motivational Speaker, Billy Brown. Billy is a survivor of a car accident at the age of two. Burned on over 70% of his body and having 100s of surgeries, Billy with the help of his loving mother refused to be a victim of his circumstance and developed and lived every day by his mantra of "I am love, and I live with purpose." From school, football fields, real estate career, prosperity, bankruptcy, and redemption nothing stands in his way. After a chance meeting with the world-famous Tony Robbins, Billy has found his true calling as a motivational speaker that is living proof that anyone can overcome adversity and move on in life to be the best that you can be. Billy's book title sums of his life perfectly, "Rise From the Ashes." Jason says this is a "shut up and listen show," trust us, you will agree.

Key Takeaways:

> There are no victims in this life, only volunteers.
> Adversity is not meant to punish us but rather to prepare us.
> Billy's mantra: I am love, and I live with purpose. 



Billy Brown - Website

Billy J Brown Inspires You - Facebook

Buy Billy's Book - Rise From The Ashes


Sponsor: Impact Agent Conference 2019

- Started by Real Estate Agents for Real Estate Agents.
New Orleans, LA - April 11 - 12, 2019



Quotable Quotes

I was blessed by the fact that I was in a car wreck that changed my life forever. - Billy Brown

I love to go to schools and speak on anti-bullying, and how to be the best person you can be, but more importantly, to understand why is that person being a bully? What are they going through that maybe they don't feel loved at home? - Billy Brown

People will treat you how you treat yourself. If you show up being a victim, you'll always be a target, but if you start loving yourself first, watch how you become a magnet to people. - Billy Brown’s Mom

People are going to have opinions, but you don't have to accept them. - Billy Brown

If I can make a difference in one person's life, then my life will matter. - Billy Brown

If I can make a difference in somebody's life today, one person, and I die today, then I've done God's job that He put on my life. That's the way I live every day. - Billy Brown

Everything that happens to you is preparing you for the greatness that's ahead. - Billy Brown

If I had to go back, I'd get back in the car again because of the hundreds of thousands of people I've been able to help by sharing my story. - Billy Brown

We all go through a fire in life, it could be emotionally, it could be financially, it could be work-related, but what are you going to do about it to make a difference? How's that going to define you? - Billy Brown

I went from financially independent, to overnight, literally, being financially bankrupt, and emotionally bankrupt. - Billy Brown

You realize really quick that you've hit rock bottom when you got to move in with your in-laws. Now, I love my in-laws, so if you're listening, mom and dad, I love you, but if you need motivation, move in with them, you will get motivated. - Billy Brown

You can beat somebody over the head with a bible, but you can speak into their heart and get so much more. - Billy Brown

Nothing happened by accident. - Billy Brown

Why did I go through a fire? Why did I go through financial devastation? Why did I go through emotional devastation? It was so I could go help people that went through those situations. I was being prepared. I wasn't being punished; I was being prepared. - Billy Brown

…you're the gatekeeper of your eyes and ears. What you let go in is going to come out in your daily walk. It's going to come out in your business deal. It's going to come out in your emotional responses. - Billy Brown

Tony (Robbins) was the first person to paint the vision that I could become. And anytime you're in sales, or you're in marketing or motivation, you've got to the person that can help paint a vision for people to see. - Billy Brown

I don't want to go through the motions. I want to know when I die; I don't need a grave marker to say who I was. I want people to say, "You know what, Billy made a difference in my life. By everything he went through, that made a difference in my life." - Billy Brown

If I die today, and I've made a difference in one person listening today, then my purpose in my life for God I know has been done. And that's what I strive for every day. - Billy Brown

I'm thinking somebody's going to listen to this podcast and you're going to get a call from Hollywood. Because this is a movie I want to watch, and I think lives are going to be changed because of this podcast. - Jason Will



We would like to know what you think about the Agent 251 podcast, especially this episode. Do you agree with Jason? Did any of these ideas help you? Do you disagree with any? Let us know by contacting Jason at [email protected].

Thanks for listening.

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Agent 251 is recorded and produced at Deep Fried Studios.
Producer: Johnny Gwin