In this episode, Jason Will talks with the incomparable Sharran Srivatsaa, the CEO of Kingston Lane, a push-button technology execution platform for real estate. He's a serial entrepreneur, rock star keynote speaker, and a thought-leadership resource for publications such as the Wall Street Journal, SUCCESS magazine, Huffington Post and Forbes. Recorded on a short break at Craig Ballantyne's One-Day Perfect Life Workshop, Sharran talks about the origin of his company, his path of turning goals and plans into results, the pros and cons of Business of Improvement Offers, the power of automation and systems, and some pro tips on content creation and sales lead generation. Plus, learn what an "Intelligent Growth Enhancing Robot" looks like and how it can change your business. Turn up the volume on this show and listen close, it is packed full of mind-blowing insights, innovative technology tips, and career-boosting ideas.

Key Takeaways

> How Sharran turns goals and plans into results.

> Whats's revenue-generating machinery? And, why you need to know what it can do for you and your career.

> Real Estate Agents need to explore and get training to find and use the best tools and software in the market to improve your processes, sales, and lead generation.

> Improving and automating content creation. Sharran shares his process of studying other influencers and teachers. Focus on how experts and mentors think not just their lessons and programs. Embrace environmental exposure of resources, mentors, and inspiration.

> Systems and the right tools are an essential component of transferring goals and plans to action.

> Understanding and Maximizing the Power of the Business of Improvement Offer


Sharran Srivatsaa

Kingston Lane

5am Club

Momentum University Conference


Sponsor: Momentum University Conference 2019

- Started by Real Estate Agents for Real Estate Agents.
New Orleans, LA - April 11 - 12, 2019


Quotable Quotes

If you work with a coach, a mentor, etc. you can transfer those desires and dreams to a goal and a plan. That's good, and I've seen coaches, mentors, brokers, owners do an excellent job of getting desires and dreams to goals and plans. - Sharran Srivatsaa

Systems and tools are a really important component of transferring goals and plans to action. - Jason Will

Tiger is an acronym actually. It's "The Intelligent Growth Enhancing Robot" - Sharran Srivatsaa

My goal was, "How can we get goals and plans into results?" If that means using other people's platforms and systems, whatever it takes. I don't want to sell a platform anymore; I want to sell a system, a revenue-generating piece of machinery to an agent so that they know that they don't have to do it. - Sharran Srivatsaa

There's other stuff that I do like I do podcasts, I do a lot of the other stuff as well on a regular basis, but if I can find a way to batch the content, it is super helpful, but I don't let that intrude my work and personal life at all. It's a part of my professional world, but if anyone's thinking about, "Hey, how do I put out all this content, how can I create more content," I say, it's easier to batch it. So, if you sit down for an afternoon and say, "I need to write five pieces of email content, three pieces of blog post content," whatever, I have a system that I go through. I think about a topic. You generally use the same theme for the week so that I can think deeper, and then I do three and a half hours of content creation, and then set it to go out. - Sharran Srivatsaa

No one teaches others how to implement. - Sharran Srivatsaa

Everyone wants to be in the Business of Improvement Offer. What I mean by that is, oh, improve your sleep, improve your health, improve your lifestyle, improve your GCI, improve, improve, improve. They want to go from 10 to 20. They want to go from 20 to 40. They want to improve something. Everyone's looking for that improvement offer, and when you're looking for an improvement offer, you're looking at all everything. They're like, "Which one can I use to move the needle a little bit," and based on that, and you don't do anything. - Sharran Srivatsaa

The fastest way to level up is environmental exposure. You just have to upgrade your environment. - Sharran Srivatsaa

If you're not at the table, you're probably on the menu. - Sharran Srivatsaa

I'm going to consume that because you're exposed to what you're exposed to, and I don't want to be exposed to anything else. So, an easy way and a free way is to just go deep on one person that you admire, because one month of exposure to somebody changes things very much. - Sharran Srivatsaa

We think about the result, but we don't think about the conditions that are present to deliver that result. - Sharran Srivatsaa

You're not telling people how to get from point A to point B. You're helping them to self-discover. - Jason Will

Everybody needs accountability of some sort, but accountability thrust upon you is not inspiring. - Sharran Srivatsaa

Make a commitment starting today that we do not snooze in our lives ever. - Sharran Srivatsaa


We would like to know what you think about the Agent 251 podcast, especially this episode. Do you agree with Jason? Did any of these ideas help you? Do you disagree with any? Let us know by contacting Jason at [email protected].

Thanks for listening.

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JWRE's goal is to be informative and helpful. Through our service, we hope to earn your business with our exemplary level of service and extensive local knowledge of the Mobile & Baldwin County area.

Agent 251 is recorded and produced at Deep Fried Studios.
Producer: Johnny Gwin