What is one thing every young leader should do? How important is it for a leader to be mentored? How important is it for leaders to invest in others? How does a leader create a development culture in your organization? In this episode of the Impact 360 Institute podcast Phil Alsup Interviews Selma Wilson, Vice President of Organizational Development at Life Way Resources.

Selma Wilson Selma Wilson serves as Vice President of LifeWay’s Organizational Development Division which includes human resources and leadership development. Prior to this appointment, Selma served four years as Vice President of B&H Publishing Group.

She first joined LifeWay's church resources division in 1989 where she served as director of the discipleship and family magazine department, the director of organizational performance in church resources and, as the associate to the vice president of church resources. Additionally, Wilson, along with her husband, Rodney, served as executive editors of HomeLife magazine.

She earned her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and has completed continuing education courses, with emphases in organizational development and human resource management, at the University of Southern California and Columbia University.

She and Rodney have two adult daughters and three grandchildren.

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