Previous Episode: 127: MY FAVORITE YEAR

This year’s Halloween theme at the Inter-Millennium Media Project surveys more of the Universal movie monster landscape, starting with Boris Karloff in 1932’s THE MUMMY, a tale of love, death, magic, and dangerous jewelry.

This year’s Halloween theme at the Inter-Millennium Media Project surveys more of the Universal movie monster landscape, starting with Boris Karloff in 1932’s THE MUMMY, a tale of love, death, magic, and dangerous jewelry.

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The Mummy (1932 film) - WikipediaBoris Karloff - WikipediaZita Johann - WikipediaIMMP - Halloween EpisodesDead Again - WikipediaImhotep | Ancient Egyptian Architect, Physician & Statesman | BritannicaUniversal's Dark Universe: What Went Wrong?The Mummy (franchise) - Wikipedia