Come visit the live television industry of 1954 through the lens of a movie from the 1980s: MY FAVORITE YEAR directed by Richard Benjamin, starring Mark Lin-Baker and Peter O'Toole. Truly a movie for fans of movies!

Come visit the live television industry of 1954 through the lens of a movie from the 1980s: MY FAVORITE YEAR directed by Richard Benjamin, starring Mark Lin-Baker and Peter O'Toole. Truly a movie for fans of movies!

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My Favorite Year - WikipediaPeter O'Toole - WikipediaMark Linn-Baker - WikipediaErrol Flynn - WikipediaSid Caesar - WikipediaDrunken Master - Wikipedia30 Rock - WikipediaStudio 60 on the Sunset Strip - WikipediaMST3K 820 - Space Mutiny | MST3K | Fandom