Ever feel like you’re banging your head on the wall, trying to figure out what you should create a business on?

Here’s how to get past one of the biggest barriers to ever starting your business!

In this episode, listen to 3 of my top strategies to figure out what to start your business on, so you can finally getting clarity and have certainty of what direction to focus your energy.

For YEARS, I was stuck in this stage of trying to figure out what to start a business on. I was dying inside to create a business that would give me and my family more financial options and increase my impact. I desperately wanted to expand.

I just didn’t know where, how, or WHAT to start, filling me with so much frustration and pent up energy.

🎉 Once I finally got clear on the magic mix — applying unique life experiences & professional skills to provide a solution for people facing a specific problem — I FINALLY got unstuck.

If I had stayed stuck in that never-ending cycle of trying to figure out what I should even do a business on, I would have missed out on SO much, such as:

✨A creative outlet with constant growth allowing me to help 100s of people.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👧The option to afford children, and for my family to make the choice to have my husband leave his job to take care of our daughters.

🏡Being able to buy our dream home….the list goes on.

💥This is why I’m putting on a new masterclass, How to Figure Out What to Start Your Business On, to help you with getting clear.

🌟It includes my favorite strategies on how to get crystal clear on your business focus from the start so you can build a solid foundation.

Enroll in the Masterclass How to Figure Out What to Start Your Business On⁠ directly at: https://www.internationalempowerment.com/product/how-to-figure-out-what-to-start-your-business-on

Message me on instagram @adinaappelbaum to learn more!