When we were struggling with finances after my husband immigrated to the U.S., the HARDEST PART was not knowing the big picture of what we were supposed to even focus on. 🖼️

It was like trying to put together a puzzle without knowing the picture on the box. 🧩🤯

It took me years to figure out the core elements of wealth building and financial empowerment to get us on the right track

I realized that 👁️vision and 💜heart are key parts of building a strategic plan for your finances.

Learning the below core strategies helped me and my family go from living paycheck to paycheck with no way out to ➡️➡️➡️becoming confident investors, property owners, and business owners.

Time and time again I always come back to these three key strategies with my financial coaching clients.

The top 3 strategies to build wealth:

1. Wealth systems
2. Money growth
3. Money mindset emotions & support

Which one are you paying the least attention to right now?

What’s been your biggest challenge so far in that area?

Message me on instagram @adinaappelbaum to share and I’m happy to reply with some quick financial tips, my gift!