I'm SO excited to welcome in Season 6 with you! I'm jumping in by making a BIG call to action to all entrepreneurs in the online space: it's time to incorporate social change -- contributing toward addressing a larger social cause -- in your businesses, in addition to profit making.

In this season, we will be exploring creating social change through the vehicle of entrepreneurship. I can't WAIT to investigate some of the following questions with you:

*Why are entrepreneurs some of the best leaders for social change?

*How can entrepreneurs can go beyond just focusing on making money and use business as a force of good to make social change that helps solve some of the most pressing problems people are facing today?

*How can we leverage the power of the internet to build a better world together, sustainably?

We'll of course also be digging into topics around finance, business development, and finding your purpose.

💜 Connect with me on IG @adinaappelbaum and share your biggest takeaway from this episode!

💜 Join our email list to receive occasional inspiring messages from the heart: https://internationalempowerment.activehosted.com/f/16

💜 Dig in further with Episode 145: What is Social Entrepreneurship? https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/145-what-is-social-entrepreneurship/id1545594859?i=1000584636762

💜 DM me to book a Business Mission & Marketing Alignment Audit for your business