Seasons 4 & 5 of this podcast have been full of so many messy, beautiful shifts as I have gone through this journey of expansion and integration during the past ~9 months and my second pregnancy!

Listen to this wrap-up to hear some reflections on what these two seasons have meant to me and involved to get an inside look behind the scenes of the evolution of the Finance Business & Purpose Podcast.

These days, I'm laser focused on my mission to help people break through societal barriers holding them back (whether they be related to finances, business, purpose, and/or mindset) so that, together, we can build a more welcoming world. I'm not here to mess around.

--> If you're serious about getting to your next level and ready to blast through whatever is holding you back, I'll be your biggest champion and heart-filled guide. DM me on IG @‌adinaappelbaum or email me at [email protected] to book a private 1:1 breakthrough coaching session.

--> Until Season 6 of the podcast is ready to be born, here are the best ways to stay connected:

*Instagram @‌adinaappelbaum and @‌

*Join our International Empowerment® email list at this link to access my next words of wisdom:

*Subscribe to the Immigrant Finance™ channel on Youtube: