Have you felt like you either have to struggle with money in order to fight for social change or sacrifice your dream job for financial security?

In this episode, learn how it's possible to create your own dream job advancing social change through starting a social impact business. 

Lilian Medina Romero and Lorena Gallego share their story of creating The Bridge Sisters, a women-owned nonprofit consulting business advancing gender equality and justice, especially for vulnerable migrants.

In this episode you’ll learn:

*How to value your work in the social justice space

*The importance of sticking to the values of your business in social impact business

*How to stop feeling conflicted wanting to make money while fighting for social justice

*What to look for in a business partner and team

*Serious wisdom on why it's important to make sure you’re in a good place financially and develop financial management skills

Learn more about Lilian and Lorena’s work at the Bridge Sisters at https://www.thebridgesisters.com/

Thank you for listening to the Finance Business & Purpose podcast!

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