Worried constantly about money?

You might wonder what's causing that.

Maybe you've even tried implementing all the financial strategies, building up your savings, and increasing your income, but you still feel like no matter what strategies you do, overwhelming fear is always at play when money comes up.

That's because your body might be in constant "fight-or-flight" emergency mode around money.

I know because I was in that pattern for years without even realizing.

The good news is there's a lot you can do to change your body's physical response to money fears. And when you understand why your body goes into fear mode around money, you'll be more empowered to change that response  the next time it happens to you.

--> In this episode, learn how to stop feeling anxious all the time about money so you can move forward and continue on your path to financial freedom.

*We dive into understanding how the nervous system works so you can learn how to regulate your body's response to anxiety and overwhelm about finances.

*Building more awareness about how to calm your nervous system is one way you can start to tap into financial peace of mind and feel secure no matter the amount in your bank account.

*You'll learn some quick strategies you can do to tap into the "rest" side of your nervous system to feel more relaxed and slow down stress responses to money

Thank you for listening to the Finance Business & Purpose Podcast!

Looking for financial or business coaching? Book a free 30 minute consultation to learn more about ways we can support you here: https://calendly.com/internationalempowerment/consult

If you're from an immigrant family, apply to join Immigrant Finance School™, our signature wealth building program for immigrant families: immigrantfinanceschool.com

Nervous system resource mentioned in episode - "The Vagus Nerve: The Key to Calming a ‘Wigged-Out’ Autonomic Nervous System (fight/flight/freeze)": https://www.selfmatters.ca/post/the-vagus-nerve-the-key-to-calming-a-wigged-out-autonomic-nervous-system-flight-fight-freeze