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Immanuel Gurnee

100 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 5 years ago - ★★★★★ - 8 ratings

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Who Needs God: The Bible Told Me So (7/24/17)

September 25, 2017 15:49 - 37 minutes - 69.5 MB

“Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” Those lyrics are from the very first Christian song that most people ever hear. Which makes the debates about the Bible that have raged on for centuries so troubling. For many of us, the Bible is the reason we believe, so when it’s questioned, everything’s questioned. Perhaps it’s time to revisit what the Bible is and why it exists to begin with.

Who Needs God: The Gods of the No Testament (9/17/17)

September 18, 2017 16:00 - 33 minutes - 61.4 MB

In our region of the country, more than 25% of people consider themselves irreligious and most of those were church attendees at one time. But something happened. They quit believing. They started asking adult questions about their childhood faith and were left stranded with an incoherent concept of God; who went the way of Santa Claus in their minds. What if though, that god was the wrong god to begin with?

Who Needs God: Atheism 2.0 (9/10/17)

September 14, 2017 15:33 - 36 minutes - 66.3 MB

Do we need God anymore? Some say yes, but they don’t always live like it. Some say no, but find God difficult to completely dismiss. For some, the question is more: do we need religion? More Americans than ever are backing away from religion––and consequently, God. Is it because atheism is all that attractive or because religion is less so?

GRIT: Come to Life (9/3/17)

September 05, 2017 19:38 - 34 minutes - 62.3 MB

It's like water for the desert. It's like acceptance for the outcast. It's like open air for the bird. When we find and live into the life we were made for, we COME TO LIFE.

Annual Celebration (8/27/17)

August 29, 2017 15:24 - 34 minutes - 63.3 MB

What's better than a celebration? There are so many exciting things that have happened this past year at Immanuel and we feel it's worth celebrating! You're invited to hear this Sunday, August 27, all about how God has blessed our church and is using us to touch the lives of ALL OUR NEIGHBORS, ALL OUR REGION, ALL FOR JESUS.

GRIT: Trust the Give (8/20/17)

August 21, 2017 16:32 - 39 minutes - 72.4 MB

We are careful with our investments. We always want to rest assured of their growth and return. So we hire smart people to help us make wise decisions, ensuring that rest. We trust them and their ability to do something with our money...and so we give them our hard-earned cash. Not so much with the church. We don’t fully trust them or the return on investment. Don’t worry, most people feel the same way. The problem is we’re giving to the wrong thing if we’re giving to the church. What if we ...

GRIT: Refuse to Solo (8/13/17)

August 15, 2017 13:51 - 38 minutes - 70.1 MB

Our society loves community and connectedness. This is why social media drains more battery from our phones than any other app. It’s why we buy things based on user reviews and comments instead of price and research. It’s why we text people who aren’t with us while we have people with us. And the best part? We are who we want to be. And yet, we’re lonely and collectively, we feel less known than any generation before us. Jesus calls us to a different way...a better way. Jesus calls us to ref...

GRIT: Grab a Towel (8/6/17)

August 07, 2017 16:53 - 29 minutes - 54.6 MB

For centuries people have been trying to live like Jesus and they've employed all kinds of tactics to do so. Most of these tactics involve volumes of reading and hours of classes, leading to tons of knowledge about God. Unfortunately, we've forgotten that being like Jesus is more about being than knowing. And Jesus? He didn't bring a clipboard, He brought a towel...serving others.

GRIT: Make the Ask (7/30/17)

July 31, 2017 20:28 - 41 minutes - 76.1 MB

How many opportunities in your life have you missed out on because you were too scared to ask? May I borrow your...? Are you available Friday night? Will you come with me to...? The list is probably long. Next question: how many people are not sitting in church this week because you were too scared to invite them? Too often, that list is even longer. If we want to make our church their church, we have to Make The Ask. 

Ragamuffin: The Johnny-Come-Latelys (7/23/17)

July 24, 2017 17:49 - 35 minutes - 65.1 MB

They're late...again. That person is a part of everyone's life, aren't they? They can't seem to ever get to wherever it is they're going on time. For some, they're late to faith, too. They've heard about it, they maybe even grew up in it, but they just haven't "shown up" yet. Good news: there was one Ragamuffin who was a Johnny-Come-Lately too...and he wrote most of the New Testament! 

Ragamuffin: The "Day-Ones" (7/16/17)

July 17, 2017 16:56 - 38 minutes - 70.8 MB

Have you ever felt that your story doesn't measure up? Your story isn't exciting; it doesn't have a big "Come to Jesus" moment; and you've been going to church your entire life. The problem is that we're comparing our stories when we should be comparing something else...something that will change the equation entirely. Just know that Jesus' band of Ragamuffins included the "day-ones." 

Ragamuffin: The Treacherous (7/9/18)

July 10, 2017 15:46 - 35 minutes - 65.2 MB

Everyone knows who Judas is. Even if you haven't been a church-goer for very long, his name is synonymous with betrayal and deception. All of that comes from the end of his story; but what happened leading up to that end? Who was this treacherous person and why did Jesus invite him to be part of his team?

Ragmuffin: The Judgmental (7/2/17)

July 03, 2017 18:52 - 33 minutes - 62.2 MB

Quick! What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear...Christian? For many, it's hypocrite. What comes to mind when you hear hypocrite? Judgmental. You'll never guess who the first person to make that connection was.

Ragamuffin: The Impulsive Ones (6/25/17)

June 26, 2017 17:05 - 38 minutes - 69.9 MB

"Measure twice, cut once." Any good carpenter will tell you that's the number one rule to live by. We don't live like that though, do we? We're impulsive and will often cut before we've even measured once. Surely Jesus wouldn't want such reckless individuals who have made so many mistakes...right? Wrong.

Ragamuffin: The Doubters (6/18/17)

June 26, 2017 16:49 - 37 minutes - 68.6 MB

Doubt can be scary. It hits unexpectedly, can shake us to our core and cause us to rethink everything we thought we knew. Even worse, it can make us feel guilty.  But what if that's not how Jesus views our doubt? What if there's more to our faith than just having the right answers? 

Ragamuffin: The Social Outcasts (6/11/17)

June 13, 2017 19:06 - 33 minutes - 62.2 MB

Have you ever felt like you aren't good enough to follow Jesus? Maybe you get hung up on your past or are frustrated that you're not where you should be in life. But what if you're looking at it all wrong? What if following Jesus is more about who you're becoming than who you've been? What if, despite your ragamuffin appearance, Jesus is inviting you to join the journey of a lifetime?

Break the Dark (5/28/17)

May 30, 2017 16:06 - 37 minutes - 67.9 MB

Most of the time, most people are operating from a place of fear. Here's why: life is scary! The good news, though, is that we don't have to settle for that. Jesus offers us a new way to live, where we aren't afraid of the dark!

Bad Advice: Ignorance Is Bliss (5/21/17)

May 23, 2017 17:38 - 40 minutes - 73.7 MB

The classic cartoon, G.I. Joe, always ended with the same phrase: "Knowing is half the battle," which certainly confused an entire generation....because so many other people in their lives told them that "Ignorance is bliss." Which is it? Last Sunday's sermon will help end the confusion.

Bad Advice: What Goes Around Comes Around (5/15/17)

May 16, 2017 17:50 - 33 minutes - 60.5 MB

When was the last time you were disrespected? Do you remember what came to mind, what your natural reaction was? Probably something like this: get even! It's OK, we all have that reaction. We come by it rightly, given the age-old adage, "What goes around comes around." The problem with that cliched way of thinking? It just perpetuates a cycle that keeps going around.

Bad Advice: God Helps Those Who Help Themselves (5/7/17)

May 08, 2017 20:40 - 41 minutes - 75.9 MB

Odds are you've had someone tell you something like, "God helps those who help themselves." And maybe you've lived your entire life working and being diligent, being a strong and independent person, only to be frustrated because you feel God isn't helping you at it's all on you alone. Maybe that cliche is a bust. Maybe there's a better truth we should stake our lives on...

Bad Advice: Money is the Root of all Evil (4/30/17)

May 02, 2017 20:19 - 36 minutes - 67.7 MB

Have you ever felt guilty for what you have? Maybe it's because someone told you that "money is the root of all evil." So, good Christians shouldn't have much of it, right? Not exactly. 

Bad Advice: Trust Your Heart (4/23/17)

April 24, 2017 18:18 - 37 minutes - 68.2 MB

Busting the cliches we all love to hear!  You've heard these statements your whole life. But guess what...they aren't true! According to the Bible, they are actually Bad Advice, the title of Josh's new five-week message series. This past Sunday, he explored what the Bible teaches about Trust Your Heart, the first cliche to be exposed as the false statement it really is.

Shock & Awe: For Real (4/16/17)

April 19, 2017 15:15 - 33 minutes - 61.7 MB

What made Jesus so amazing way back when, still makes him amazing today. Here’s why: he’s not dead. If he were, we might be tempted to doubt what happened before we could see it with our own eyes. Perhaps Jesus knew that. Maybe he knew that part of being human would be to question and doubt something that happened so long ago. So, he refused to stay in the past. He walked out of the tomb and continues to do the amazing in the present. Our greatest questions today are answered in the fact tha...

Shock & Awe: License to Franchise (4/9/17)

April 10, 2017 15:20 - 37 minutes - 69.1 MB

There comes a moment in everyone’s life where they feel like they can’t do it. It doesn’t matter what “it”’s just too hard; too big. That’s not in our comfort zone. That’s not in our wheelhouse. Most of the time, following Jesus is the “it.” He’s constantly calling us to step out of the shadows and into something bigger than we think we’re capable of. But the good news, is that while you don’t feel capable, he is able.

Shock & Awe: Back to Normal (4/2/17)

April 04, 2017 21:29 - 31 minutes - 56.9 MB

What happened to us? We used to be full of vitality; full of energy. But then life happened. Life broke us; it warped us and changed us. That’s been the story from the beginning, really. Everything started good for humanity, but a cancer of sorts, robbed us of joy and peace. Reality is, humanity is sick and somehow we’ve accepted that as normal. But it’s not, it’s not normal. And Jesus came to restore it all. He came to heal us and make us whole again; taking us normal.

Shock & Awe: All Holds Barred (3/26/17)

March 27, 2017 20:46 - 34 minutes - 63.1 MB

You feel the weight. You feel it holding you back. That weight might be family history, emotional scarring, insecurity, secrets, anger, bitterness, or an endless number of other things. What’s certain though, is that you aren’t living up to your fullest potential because of the demons in your story. You exhaustedly make your way through life, carrying all of that baggage with you. But Jesus wants you to know you don’t have to; he’ll carry it for you. And, he’ll carry you too. He’ll carry it ...

Shock & Wave: Hole, Heart, Help (3/19/17)

March 22, 2017 19:36 - 34 minutes - 64.1 MB

We’ve all been there. We’ve been in the pit of despair; hurting, hopeless, and alone. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that someone’s heart breaks for you? Wouldn’t it be nice if your pain moved someone else, and that that someone could actually help you? Perhaps one of the most incredible things about Jesus, was how his heart broke for real people in the throws of real life. What’s most incredible though, is that he could and actually did something about it.

Shock & Awe: Something in the Water (3/12/17)

March 13, 2017 18:40 - 32 minutes - 60.1 MB

Jesus is one of the most talked about people ever. Debates rage about the things he said and did; have you ever wondered why? What’s so amazing about him that century after century he remains in the headlines? Some say it’s because he’s controversial. Could it be though, that he’s just that awe inspiring? Because wherever he went, he changed things. The scene was never the same when Jesus entered it. Somehow he always made the mundane, majestic. And he still does today.

Does God Really Care?: Does God Really Care What I Do? (3/5/17)

March 07, 2017 16:42 - 35 minutes - 65.4 MB

So much of religion and spirituality seems to be about rules; nothing more than a long list of dos and don’ts that–quite frankly–make it all feel like mere behavior modification. Does God really care about the stuff I do?  Aren’t there bigger things for him to worry about than the decisions I make? Isn’t it all grace and mercy? Yes, it is but there’s a bigger story behind the rules. There’s a deeper reason God cares about what we do. And it’s not so much about what he wants from us as it is ...

Does God Really Care?: Does He Really Care About Me? (2/26/17)

February 27, 2017 18:55 - 37 minutes - 68 MB

Many people (maybe even you) see God as a cosmic machine builder. He put this whole universe together, wound it up and let it fly. And now that it’s doing its thing, He sits back rather uninterested and uninvolved. Why would he care? Especially about me? With all the stars and planets and problems on Earth, why would God waste his time worrying about little ol’ me? Certainly we’re just blips on his cosmic radar...right? Wrong.

What's in a Name?

February 20, 2017 20:39 - 35 minutes - 65.8 MB

Guest speaker Dr. Jared Alcantara, Director of the MA in Ministry Program and Assistant Professor of Homiletics at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

Disillusioned: A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow (2/12/17)

February 14, 2017 19:38 - 31 minutes - 57.2 MB

When life doesn’t go according to plan, and we’re able to fight off cynicism and practice gratitude in the middle of strife, we can have hope for tomorrow. We don’t need to be afraid of what’s around the corner. We can trust that God is at work and dream for tomorrow beyond whatever reality we’re in today. The plan may have gone out the window, but tomorrow might have an even better one. Just wait.

Disillusioned: The Steady Horizon (2/5/17)

February 06, 2017 17:21 - 32 minutes - 60 MB

When life doesn’t go according to plan, we may not think so, but we have a choice to make. And that choice is less about what we’re going to do as it is about how we’re going to do it. We will be tempted to think God isn’t active in our lives, or possibly that God has it out for us. In so doing we become a victim that feels powerless, but ultimately that’s a place we decide to be. In even the moments that aren’t full of sunshine and rainbows, we can decide to hold on to gratitude instead.

Disillusioned: Glass Case of Emotion (1/22/17)

January 25, 2017 15:52 - 38 minutes - 70.9 MB

When life doesn’t go according to plan, it’s easy to fall into cynicism. We become ever more inclined to barricade ourselves in emotionally and assume the worst of most people and events in life.  At some point, someone or thing let us down and we were left feeling vulnerable. So we come up with answers as to why things are the way they are; meaning for the madness. We blame. We point. We assume. Often however, we fail to see that we might be missing out on an opportunity to learn and grow.

Disillusioned: The Smelly Elephant (1/15/17)

January 18, 2017 15:43 - 39 minutes - 72.2 MB

There’s a truth out there that no one wants to admit is there. It’s the reality that life, at some point, will not go according to plan. Often, life stinks. It’s about time we admit that; whether we call ourselves a follower of Jesus or not, because God never promised that everything would always be easy and comfortable. He never promised that everything would go according to plan. So, what do we do when it doesn’t?

Celebrations of Grace: Kingdom Celebrations (1/8/17)

January 09, 2017 20:10 - 38 minutes - 69.7 MB

"Dad, why are those people wearing swimsuits and having someone dunk them under water?" "Mom, when the people pass those crackers and juice during the service, can I have some?" The practices of baptism and communion need some explaining for our kids to understand them. If we are honest, they need some explaining for us to understand them,too!

Party Animals (1/1/17)

January 03, 2017 19:18 - 27 minutes - 50.8 MB

For many people, it's easy to get caught up in the routine of church.  Our faith becomes mundane, the services boring and the messages repetitive.  But what if we're missing the point of the church?  What if it was less about the service and more about the people?  After all, as Jesus built his community, it was anything but boring.  In fact, it was full of party animals.  

A Joy-FULL Christmas: Joy in the Provision (12/18/16)

December 19, 2016 18:10 - 30 minutes - 55.2 MB

The most grieved thing in everyone’s life is not having or getting what they want. We’re far better at noticing the things on our list that we didn’t get than the countless things we did and actually needed. The Bible is full of promises; the least of which is God’s promise to give us what we need. When we start looking at life through that lens, we see we’ve been cared for in immeasurable ways. And while it may not be on our list of wants, we all want to be cared for. Is it possible that si...

A Joy-Full Christmas: Joy in the Portion (12/4/16)

December 06, 2016 18:37 - 38 minutes - 70.7 MB

If the truth be told, there are people all around us who have legitimate reasons to be joyless at Christmas time. As the end of the year approaches, they’re remembering their lost loved one, or their lost job, or their lost sense of value. All the while others are full of joy and have seemingly endless reasons to be so. What if there were a way to balance things out? What if those without joy of their own, learned how to take joy in the victories of others? And what if those with plenty of j...

A Joy-Full Christmas: Choosing to Not Be Joyless For the Holidays (11/27/16)

November 30, 2016 19:45 - 37 minutes - 67.8 MB

For many, Christmas is not the happiest time of year. It’s a season of being crushed under the weight of our circumstances. We take inventory of our marriages, or lack thereof, our bank accounts, our jobs, our homes and usually aren’t very excited about what we see. We fail to find joy in the holidays because we play victim to what’s happened to or around us over the last year. It doesn’t have to be that way; the holidays don’t have to be joyless this year. fWe just have to find joy in somet...

A Simple Call (11/13/16)

November 15, 2016 17:27 - 41 minutes - 75.2 MB

Gary Rorhmayer, president of Converge MidAmerica guest speaks.

The Missing Peace: Super Natural (11/6/16)

November 07, 2016 22:08 - 38 minutes - 70.8 MB

It’s easy to think that the work of the Holy Spirit is something out of Return of the Jedi; that somehow we become able to do things beyond the natural world. Yes, that’s true, but more often in Scripture we see the supernatural acts of the Holy Spirit being very practical. Maybe natural is less about science and more about natural human behavior. What if the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit is as simple as when we give to someone in need?

The Missing Peace: Bind Us Together (10/30/16)

October 31, 2016 16:22 - 41 minutes - 76.2 MB

You'll often hear churches talk about not doing life alone and that Christianity is more a team sport than a solo act. All true. But how much do we really mean that? How far are we willing to go when it comes to unity? In a diverse world where everyone looks different and acts different, is unity really even possible? It is, but it's not in a program or a governmental's in something better.

The Missing Peace: We All Need Counseling (10/23/16)

October 25, 2016 19:22 - 35 minutes - 65.3 MB

What does God want me to do? Everyone asks that question at least 50 times a day, and at least 50,000 times when they were trying to figure out what to major in for college. It would be so nice if He would just draw a map to give us a turn-by turn guide through our days. Unfortunately He doesn’t; but it’s not because He doesn’t care, it’s because He knows it’s not that simple. He knows what drives our decisions. He knows it’s all about what we know––what we hold as true. So why not just get...

The Missing Peace: Not a Tool (10/16/16)

October 18, 2016 19:15 - 42 minutes - 78.4 MB

There’s a huge difference between a power drill and a power drill battery. The drill is something that can be used while the battery is what enables the drill to be used in the first place. Many people think the Holy Spirit is like a tool; something we use to accomplish some righteous task––as if the Holy Spirit is at our disposal or beck and call. But we’re the tool. We’re the ones that God uses to accomplish His purposes, so that makes the Holy Spirit the great enabler.

Famous: While You Work (10/9/16)

October 10, 2016 20:11 - 37 minutes - 67.8 MB

Do you like your job?  Here's an even trickier question: does your job like you?  If you were to poll the people you work with and the bosses you work for, asking what their perception of you might be, what do you think they'd say?

Famous: The New Public Square (10/2/16)

October 03, 2016 16:10 - 35 minutes - 65.8 MB

By 2018 it’s expected that 2.5 billion people will be connected through social media. No matter where you are or what time it is, you can reach millions of people with one click.  We’re now “friends” with people we’ve never met. We “follow” people we’ve never been in the same room with. And we want more than ever for people to “like” us. Social media is the new public square where people come together to socialize, to discuss hot topics, and make themselves known. A lot of good can be accom...

Famous: Bringing It All Together (9/25/16)

September 26, 2016 15:02 - 36 minutes - 66.7 MB

Most people outside the church see the people inside the church as hypocrites. They’re seen as people who talk a good game but don’t really walk the talk. Unfortunately, that perception isn’t always wrong and that’s a huge problem because it reflects poorly on God’s reputation. We don’t think about it much, but our lack of integration, or infusing our faith into every part of our lives, actually turns people away from God. There’s a whole new generation on the planet that cares a great deal...

Famous: I'm Thinking (9/18/16)

September 19, 2016 17:48 - 37 minutes - 68.5 MB

Do and don’t. That’s where we always start isn’t it? Change or modify behavior so that real growth can happen. Somehow though, we always come back to the same old hangups. Maybe we aren’t getting to the root of the issue. And maybe that’s why people find Christianity so unapproachable. Maybe that’s why we have such a hard time connecting with our unchurched friends. Maybe we need to change how we think about this…maybe we need to change the way we think, period.

Famous: Fanatical Commitment (9/11/16)

September 13, 2016 19:55 - 38 minutes - 70.1 MB

Everywhere you look, you’ll find someone trying to be famous. Social media seems to have created an insatiable appetite in us for being known. The trouble is that many of us actually pull it off; often for the wrong reasons. Which is not all that different from God; it seems like, at least in our day and age, God is famous for wrong reasons. Those wrong reasons? His followers. That needs to change. But how do we make God famous for right reasons? Well, it might not be what you think.


The Straight Dope
5 Episodes