Darrel Wanzer-Serrano, Ariana Ruiz, and Rene Rocha are recording an episode together for the first time since Episode 2. After some groaning about how the semester is beating us up, we get to work talking about the recent La Bamba film screening, the upcoming Palante, Siempre Palante screening (with filmmaker and former Young Lord, Iris Morales!), and the upcoming Latina/o/x Migration symposium. Check the chapter markers for a detailed list of topics. 

★ Thanks to our sponsors ★

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation’s generous support through its Sawyer Seminar program allowed “Imagining Latinidades: Articulations of National Belonging” to launch at the University of Iowa. This podcast was born from the Sawyer Seminar and we hope it will continue on afterward.The Obermann Center for Advanced Studies, at Iowa, was the birthplace of our Seminar theme, which gave rise to this podcast.

Show notes:

Latina/o/x Migration – Imagining LatinidadesMaura I. Toro-Morn – Imagining Latinidades Latinx Migrations in the Heartland: Genealogies of  Belonging and Transformation – Imagining LatinidadesDarrel’s little tangent about borderlands is informed by Borderlands / La Frontera: The New Mestiza: Gloria Anzaldúa, Norma Cantú, Aída Hurtado: 9781879960855: Amazon.com: Books See also, Light in the Dark/Luz en lo Oscuro: Rewriting Identity, Spirituality, Reality (Latin America Otherwise): Gloria Anzaldua, AnaLouise Keating: 9780822360094: Amazon.com: BooksKarma R. Chávez – Imagining Latinidades #Abolish ICE: At the Intersections of Black Radical Thought and Queer and Trans Migrant Activism – Imagining LatinidadesQueer Migration Politics: Activist Rhetoric and Coalitional Possibilities (Feminist Media Studies): Karma R. Chavez: 9780252079580: Amazon.com: BooksFidencio Fifield-Perez – Imagining Latinidades Words Are No Help – Imagining Latinidades

You can reply to this podcast here:

Twitter, Instagram, Facebook: @ImaginingLatHosts on Twitter: Darrel is @DoctorDWS, Ariana is @aryruiz710, Rene is @rene5311Email: [email protected] 


Our cover art, a photo of an installation titled “El Hielo / I.C.E,” is provided courtesy of the artist, Fidencio Fifield-Perez.Music by Juan Ruiz.Our hosting is provided by Transistor.fm, which we really love.Our podcasting app of choice is Overcast.fm, which also makes a handy app that streamlines the process of making the chapter markers in this podcast.