Phil Birss is the author of 'The Supercharged Entrepreneur' - How to supercharge your life, avoid burnout, and maximize your entrepreneurial potential.

Extract from Chapter 7: The Extraordinary Day. "I set aside one whole day each week for personal thinking time. Time to think, reflect and consider my next steps as a business owner, partner and father. Time dedicated to the 'great work'. I call this my ‘Extraordinary Day’.

My ‘Extraordinary Day’ is full of work that excites and challenges me. Work that drives my business forward with purpose and vigour. Work which requires me to push the limits of my imagination. One of the joys of the ‘Extraordinary Day’ is the huge variety of work it brings. Friday is my ‘Extraordinary Day’ and you will usually find me doing a combination of reviewing the growth plans for my business, brainstorming new marketing campaigns, creating content for my podcast, or simply pondering my next big step as an entrepreneur.

As an entrepreneur your creative energy is the driving force behind your business and the ‘Extraordinary Day’ frees your mind to ponder the challenges of today and the endless possibilities of tomorrow. If, like me, you love a tapas working lifestyle filled with interesting and inspiring work, then your next ‘Extraordinary Day’ won’t come around quick enough."


Phil is the Course Director and Principal Trainer for our unique 6 month training programme called Digital leaders. A course exclusively for anyone who is looking to generate leads and build brand awareness. In addition, you will learn the latest digital marketing techniques, share ideas with a peer group and develop a world-class digital strategy that will power the growth of the business.

Sign up here -

SPEAKING Phil delivers keynote talks and runs training seminars on the subjects of entrepreneurship and marketing. He is a guest lecturer at the University of Liverpool, Liverpool John Moores University and Liverpool International College.


An entertaining and insightful podcast featuring fascinating insights in to the world of marketing and business growth.

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