Coach Steve Pfrenzinger is a cancer survivor with a new lease on life - dedicating this new energy to his new Self-Awareness program for entrepreneurs and SMBs. Past clients include Sony, Disney, Broadcom, PwC, Tesla, Western Digital, Gartner, and dozens of SMBs. Steve is also a hall of fame angel investor, #1 of 300 in the largest US angel investing association.

Steve has built and sold two 8-figure tech staffing/consulting firms where he hired or oversaw the hiring of nearly 1,000 staff and sold over $100M in services revenue.

From Steve: Why Self Awareness? - It sets you apart, it's your X-Factor and makes you Unstoppable! "KNOW THYSELF", Socrates, "KNOW YOU", Gary V * What is Self-Awareness? The awareness of one's own personality and individuality, including strengths and weaknesses, blind spots (baggage), personal brand, reputation, mindset, visibility and where one is in their life's journey. And the feedback needed to discover all this

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This channel started as an inspired moment to share the moments of imagination that drive our lives forward.

The concept of profit has always been a paradox - to gain more than you give. Through a unique circumstance of events in my life, that definition has changed: the real impact happens when you give with your whole heart - a contribution that means more than money, fame, or power.

Profit W!th Heart is an artistic journey told through the lens, the mic and the editing bay.

Join me on a mission to navigate the underpinnings of the business world, the real issues going on in todays world while we uncover the diamonds in the rough, the moments of clarity, and the light at the top of the hilltop.

This channel includes short films, interviews, and outpourings of creative freedom that express more to life than the pursuit of profit as we know it. It's more than business, it's Prof!t With Heart.

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