Mental Health Crisis, Trauma, Psychedelics .... big words during these times. Plant medicicne is not a quick fix and the lack of support on the backend during integration is staggering. I know because I've been to the best centers and even theyre trying to figure it out. There are people who understand integration but they aren't often trained in nervous system regulation and healing. 

Join me as I share with you the importance of bridging the two worlds of Psychedelic Integration & Neurosomatic Intelligence. It's within the nervous ssytem that anything you want is possible. Thanks to your already existing neural plasticity you always have the capactiy for change and then you add a powerhouse plant medicine that increases that capacity and potentially catapault you into any direction. 

Maybe the change you desire feels scary, perhaps you unlocked a deeply buried scary trauma, how about that hard conversation, or intentioanlly blowing your world up to leave the mundane 9-5 and live a life of purpose.

Everyone's path is very different based on what comes through, where our attention and intention lies, and what we are healing or processing. Remember change is threatening to your brain so learn your unique nervous system and create the life you desire. I can help you. Nothing about your journey is going to dysregualte me, I can hold space for you, and keep your nervous system safe. 


Behavior change is my jam and so are sacred spaces. If this conversation inspired you and you want support then please follow the link below. It's really so easy to book a free call. 


Head to for a consultation to identify trauma responses in your own life and learn how to train your nervous system to move out of behaviors that aren’t serving you!


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