Trauma Rewired: The Science of Applied Neurology

Season 02, Episode 05

The same tools you use to rehabilitate your knee can also be applied to decreasing anxiety. Our bodies are incredibly intelligent machines wired to keep us alive and thriving, but what if that same wiring that is there to protect us, works against us in ways we aren’t aware of? In the same breath, what if that same knowledge is the key to, not only our healing, but our acceleration as physical and intelligent beings. This is what our guest on today’s episode is here to discuss:


Internationally recognized teacher of Applied Neurology, co-founder of Next Level Neuro, and part creator of Neurosomatic Intelligence Coaching, Matt Bush is joining us on today’s podcast to discuss his techniques used in Applied Neurology to heal the mind and body for optimal performance.

Matt’s innovative approach to healing has proven successful in treating issues such as scoliosis, chronic pain, long COVID, and anxiety, by focusing on the nervous system, specifically vision, as treatment. Matt’s methods are based heavily in science, however require little to no equipment. He puts his trust in the body’s intelligence in healing itself through simple exercises that could ultimately be life changing for many.


It’s time to move out of survival mode and create an above average life, because average does not have to be the baseline, excelling above is the goal and that’s what applied neurology teaches us. 


Listen in for a fresh take on healing and information on how you could also become a Neurosomatic Intelligence Coach!

Topics discussed in this episode:


Client and personal stories about Applied Neurology What is Applied Neurology - simply put Why is it important to train the nervous system What do nervous system deficits look like Monovision explained Where 2020 vision came from How stress hormone levels affect athletic performance What is Vagus nerve training Long COVID recovery

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