Are you a parent constantly torn between staying on top of your health goals and tending to your family's needs? As a parent, finding the time to focus on your health and fitness goals can be challenging as your priorities shift. But it's important to remember that to be the best possible parent you can be; you must take care of yourself too. In this episode, Joel and Emily discussed and shared tips to help you stay on track with your health goals while still being a great parent.





2:35 - Part 1: When you have your child

5:21 - Sleep

Broken and shorter sleep

6:00 - Time

Less time than before, less control
Affects your workouts, work time, social time, playtime, etc.

8:02 - Priorities

Baby comes first
Relationships with self, partner, and friends can take a back seat

11:40 - Part 2: Staying on track

12:17 - Lower the barrier

You aren’t a 21-year-old anymore

14:35 - Communication

Ask for help
Daily structure - Ex: prioritize something for you during nap time or ask for that time
Allow for MORE time to keep you down-regulated, less rushed

19:52 - Sleep/Rest

Have a plan with your partner to have YOU time each day
Prioritize sleep/rest first 6-12 months, then work into a schedule involving movement
Types of movement for each stage (let's dive in below)

27:42 - Movement

Start slow, listen to your body
Carve out at least 15 minutes per day
Build in time, patience - mindset, and physical

31:58 - Nutrition

Keep it simple; keep food
Back up meals
When baby starts eating, have them eat what you eat

35:50 - Part 3: Top 3 tips

Schedule in time each day for you (movement or meditation)
Back-up meals (simple, easy)
Patience and expectations - allow for flexibility in your day





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