Healthcare organizations rely on accurate data to make strategic marketing decisions and gain a better understanding of the patient journey. With Google announcing the end of Universal Analytics in favor of Google Analytics 4, healthcare groups are encouraged to migrate to the newer platform ASAP, before the automatic switch on July 1, 2023. Though GA4’s capabilities are beneficial, data is only stored by default for 2 months. That’s why it’s important for healthcare groups to stay informed to ensure a seamless transition with no lost data.

On this episode of Ignite, our hosts, CEO, Alex Membrillo, and SVP of Strategy and Analytics, Rich Briddock discuss:
- The benefits of Google Analytics 4 and the migration process
- What the healthcare industry can expect from reporting after migration
- How Cardinal can help provider groups efficiently navigate this transition

GA4 Migration: What Healthcare Needs to Know -

Healthcare Marketing in the Era of Cookieless Browsing -





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