IFC Podcast -Latest Radio Docs artwork

IFC Podcast -Latest Radio Docs

52 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 6 years ago - ★★★ - 119 ratings

IFC (International Feature Conference)

- This Conference travels across the world organized in most of the CAPITALS of RADIO
- Discussion, Promotion and Production
devoted to Radio Feature (Radio documentary)

Personal Journals Society & Culture radiodocumentary radio documentary ifc feature international storytelling story stories
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March 04, 2018 17:03 - 50.1 MB

Dammet från asbesten orsakade cancer och svåra andningsbesvär. Ledningen på eternitfabriken i Lomma visste om farorna men sa ingenting. Sveriges största arbetsmiljöskandal är ett faktum. I september 1979 dör fabriksarbetaren Gunnar Nilsson på sjukhuset i Lund. Han har diagnosticerats med asbestos, en sjukdom som gör att lungorna stelnar och man får svårt att andas.  Gunnar har jobbat 42 år på eternitfabriken i Lomma, som är den största i sitt slag i Sverige och under 70 år tillverkas det e...

Barnen i Nordiska motståndsrörelsen

March 04, 2018 14:03 - 46.7 MB

Nazistiska Nordiska motståndsrörelsens mål är att växa och införa ett nazistiskt styre i Sverige. I organisationen växer en grupp barn upp barn som uppfostras till att bli nazister. I dokumentären berättar mammor som står utanför NMR om hur deras barn har det. Barn som delvis växer upp i en nazistisk miljö. Barnens egna ord är hämtade från olika dokument och intervjuer med anhöriga. Vi har också intervjuat en vuxen dotter till en sympatisör till NMR. Vi får också möta 90-åriga Vera Ored...

Feature: Det fattige land med det varme smil 2018-03-03

March 03, 2018 05:33 - 37.1 MB

Burkina Faso ligger midt i Afrika uden kyst med Sahara ørkenen i nord, og guld og bomuld som de primære eksport-varer. Journalist Claus Vittus har mødt en række danskere, der på hver sin måde har et forhold til det fattige land, som Danmark har støttet i mange år. Overskuddet fra Børnenes U-landskalender for 2017 går til et projekt, hvor børn, der arbejder i og omkring guldminerne, skal få mulighed for at komme i skole. Medvirkende: Musikeren Gustav Rasmussen, diplomaten Ulla Næsby og nødhjæl...

Sierra Leone: Blood Mining

March 01, 2018 13:32 - 12.1 MB

In 2010, a UK-listed company began developing a mining concession in Sierra Leone it said could transform the economic fortunes of the local population. But instead of benefiting the most immediate communities, hundreds found their homes destroyed, their livelihoods uprooted. And among the people who protested, many found themselves violently beaten and detained, and in one or two cases shot at and killed. Ed Butler investigates some of the untold stories of one of west Africa’s most dramatic...

Her Story Made History: Shukria Barakzai

February 28, 2018 12:00 - 12.6 MB

Lyse Doucet meets the redoubtable Shukria Barakzai, Afghanistan's ambassador to Norway. Shukria was appointed a member of the 2003 loya jirga, a body of representatives from all over Afghanistan that was nominated to discuss and pass the new constitution after the fall of the Taliban. In the October 2004 elections she was elected as a member of the House of the People or Wolesi Jirga, the lower house of the National Assembly of Afghanistan. She was one of only a handful of female MPs to speak...

Japan: New Ways to Grow - Part Two

February 27, 2018 14:00 - 15.5 MB

Could living in a home designed to deliberately demand more effort from you each day help you stay fitter and more alert in your later years? And could people living with dementia be better integrated in the community through work? Aki Maruyama Leggett examines some of the novel ideas for senior housing and social care emerging in Japan.

Leo Maguire - Walton's Programme

February 27, 2018 12:00

The indistinguishable voice of Leo Maguire, the host of RTÉ Radio's Walton's Programme which stayed on the airwaves for almost 30 years until its cancellation in 1981. Born in Dublin's inner city in 1903, Magure was a prolific composer writing over 100 songs including, "The Dublin Saunter" and his most famous hit, "The Whistling Gypsy". (1981)

639: In Dog We Trust

February 25, 2018 23:00

Stories of dogs and cats and other animals that live in our homes. Exactly how much are they caught up in everyday family dynamics? We answer this question and others.

Radio Doc: Man per post | Van God Los #3: Het luisterend oor | 25-02-2018

February 25, 2018 20:00 - 38.1 MB

Man per post: Monique doet nachtwerk in een groentefabriek. Ze doodt de tijd door te schrijven met Amerikaanse gedetineerden,waaronder Roy, die een straf uitzit van 40 jaar. Hij raakt verknocht aan haar. Dan stuurt hij haar een bijzondere brief: een huwelijksaanzoek. Maar Monique heeft bindingsangst. Een radiodocumentaire van Hester Otter. - Van God Los #3: Het luisterend oor: Nederland wordt langzaamaan steeds minder religieus,blijkt uit onderzoek van onder meer het Centraal Bureau voor de ...

Min tid i Nordiska motståndsrörelsen

February 25, 2018 14:03 - 46.5 MB

De vill störta demokratin och väntar på ett raskrig. Robert, Esa Henrik och Martin har varit med i Sveriges största nazistiska organisation. Varför gick de med? Vad händer när de vill hoppa av? I arbetet med det här programmet har vi varit i kontakt med ett tiotal personer som har lämnat nazistiska Nordiska motståndsrörelsen (NMR). Några är rädda för konsekvenserna ifall de pratar. Andra säger att de redan har blivit hotade. Den som berättar om sin tid i organisationen stämplas som förräd...

The Lost World of the Suffragettes

February 25, 2018 05:00 - 23.2 MB

In the 1970s, historian Sir Brian Harrison embarked on a huge project to record the experiences of women who had been part of the UK suffrage movement in the early part of the 20th Century. Now in the 100th anniversary year of women in Britain finally being granted the vote, journalist Jane Garvey listens through some of the 205 tapes to get an idea of their lives as well as the risks and sacrifices the women made in their fight for equality.

Re:sound #251 Jesse & Joe

February 23, 2018 12:00 - 66.4 MB

This hour, we remember the audio work of two brilliant producers who recently passed away — Jesse Cox & Joe Frank. Part 1: Jesse Cox (5 September 1986 – 18 December 2017) ‘Keep Them Guessing’ [excerpt]  by Jesse Cox for ABC RN’s 360Documentaries (2013)  As a young boy, producer Jesse Cox discovered a set of old cassette tapes which turned out to be a hugely popular BBC radio show featuring his grandparents performing telepathically. The tapes had been sitting in the front room of his parent...

Michael Gomez: The Irish Mexican

February 23, 2018 12:00

A documentary by former world champion Bernard Dunne about Michael Gomez – the controversial bad boy of Irish boxing and a night in the national stadium when something strange and inexplicable happened - something never before seen in an Irish ring? (2014)

Re:sound #251 Jesse & Joe

February 23, 2018 12:00 - 66.4 MB

This hour, we remember the audio work of two brilliant producers who recently passed away — Jesse Cox & Joe Frank. Part 1: Jesse Cox (5 September 1986 – 18 December 2017) ‘Keep Them Guessing’ [excerpt]  by Jesse Cox for ABC RN’s 360Documentaries (2013)  As a young boy, producer Jesse Cox discovered a set of old cassette tapes which turned out to be a hugely popular BBC radio show featuring his grandparents performing telepathically. The tapes had been sitting in the front room of his par...

Re:sound #251 Jesse & Joe

February 23, 2018 12:00

This hour, we remember the audio work of two brilliant producers who recently passed away — Jesse Cox & Joe Frank. Part 1: Jesse Cox (5 September 1986 – 18 December 2017) ‘Keep Them Guessing’ [excerpt]  by Jesse Cox for ABC RN’s 360Documentaries (2013)  As a young boy, producer Jesse Cox discovered a set of old cassette tapes which turned out to be a hugely popular BBC radio show featuring his grandparents performing telepathically. The tapes had been sitting in the front room of his parent...

Re:sound #251 Jesse & Joe

February 23, 2018 12:00 - 66.4 MB

This hour, we remember the audio work of two brilliant producers who recently passed away — Jesse Cox & Joe Frank. Part 1: Jesse Cox (5 September 1986 – 18 December 2017) ‘Keep Them Guessing’ [excerpt]  by Jesse Cox for ABC RN’s 360Documentaries (2013)  As a young boy, producer Jesse Cox discovered a set of old cassette tapes which turned out to be a hugely popular BBC radio show featuring his grandparents performing telepathically. The tapes had been sitting in the front room of his par...

Crushing Dissent in Egypt

February 22, 2018 14:00 - 12.4 MB

A well-known blogger and activist jailed for a peaceful protest, a young man imprisoned and tortured for wearing the wrong T- shirt, a young woman abducted by masked police, and now among more than a thousand people who have been forcibly disappeared – these are just some of the alarming stories from the new Egypt. Orla Guerin has spent the last four years reporting from Cairo where she has witnessed a systematic assault on freedoms and human rights. The country's ruler, former army chief, P...

Geschenke aus Baku

February 21, 2018 21:00 - 97.9 MB

Werte, Wahlen, Menschenrechte? Für die politische Elite Aserbaidschans ist alles käuflich. Im Straßburger Europarat werden Abgeordnete mit Geld und Geschenken geködert, um dem Alijew-Regime als "Wahlbeobachter" demokratische Persilscheine zu verschaffen.

Her Story Made History: Vigdis Finnbogadottir

February 21, 2018 12:00 - 12.6 MB

In 1980, the tiny country of Iceland did something no other nation had done. They elected a female head of state. BBC chief international correspondent Lyse Doucet travels to Reykjavik to meet Vigdis Finnbogadottir. Now 87, she was president for exactly 16 years and remains the longest-serving elected female head of state of any country to date. "That’s what I have given to the girls of this country," she says: “If she can, I can.”

Japan: New Ways to Grow Old - Part One

February 20, 2018 13:33 - 13.8 MB

Japan has the fastest ageing society in the world with more than a quarter of its population over the age of 65. It currently has 66,000 centenarians, more than any other country. Toshiko Katayose and Aki Maruyama Leggett explore some of the innovative ways in which Japanese people are adapting to living longer. For over 20 years Toshiko Katayose edited Japan’s most popular magazine for senior readers. Now 67 and facing retirement, she reveals how her generation of baby-boomers born after Wo...

DocArchive (1993) : The Golden Years

February 19, 2018 12:00

Free from the constraints of working life, retirement is the time to start embracing a new-found freedom and enjoying your life. Growing old should be celebrated; seen as a chance to explore new interests and embark on adventures. The world is your oyster so time to start ticking off that bucket list. (1993)

542: Wait—Do You Have The Map?

February 18, 2018 23:00

Stories about people feeling lost and trying to figure out how to move ahead: two brothers take a doomed road trip through Mexico and a couple from radically different backgrounds draw up a contract for their unlikely romance.

Radio Doc: Opgejaagd # 3. Ik tel tot drie? | 18-02-2018

February 18, 2018 20:00 - 38.1 MB

Opgejaagd # 3. Ik tel tot drie?: Inde 8-delige podcast Opgejaagd zoekt Jennifer Pettersson naar de oorzaken en gevolgen van systeemfouten in de Nederlandse kinderopvang en het basisonderwijs. De eerste drie delen worden uitgezonden in Radio Doc. Vandaag neemt ze een kijkje bij de kleuters.Wat gebeurt er tijdens een normale schooldag in een kleuterklas en hoe normaal is dat eigenlijk? Met humor en afgrijzen kijkt Jennifer mee tijdens een doodgewone dag in groep 1/2, waar de juf haar aandacht m...


February 18, 2018 17:03 - 59.6 MB

I juli 2005 blir London till ett helvete när fyra bomber detonerar i kollektivtrafiken. Det är det första islamistiska terrordådet i Storbritannien och Europa ser ett nytt vapen: självmordsbomber. På morgonen den 7 juli 2005 reser fyra killar in till London. De är klädda som att de ska campa med stora ryggsäckar. I väskorna ligger hemmagjorda bomber. Samtidigt pågår den vanliga morgonrusningen i Londons kollektivtrafik. Turister åker mot sevärdheter och Londonbor åker mot skolor och jobb. ...

Mordet på Marzieh

February 18, 2018 14:03 - 47.1 MB

I maj 2016 hittas en ung afghansk kvinna, Marzieh, mördad i Hökarängen i Stockholm. Hon hade kommit till Sverige ett knappt år tidigare med en plan: hon ville vara fri, leva ett vanligt liv. Randi Mossige-Norheim har granskat fallet med Marzieh och letar svar på frågan vad som egentligen hände med tjejen som sökte friheten. Det visar sig att hon var lika skyddslös här i Sverige som hon var i landet hon flydde ifrån. Hennes  make, som nu misstänks för mordet, styrde hennes resa till Sverige...

China's Generation Gap: Part Two

February 18, 2018 05:00 - 23.2 MB

Chinese reporter Haining Liu was born into the ‘one-child generation’ in the early 1980s. She explores how these political, social and economic changes have affected the relationship between old and young in China. Haining looks at family life, marriage, divorce, dating, opportunities for women, and how being from the one-child generation has affected her and her peers.

Cyril Ramaphosa: Son of Soweto

February 17, 2018 03:06 - 11 MB

Becky Milligan looks back at the extraordinary life of South Africa’s new president. From humble beginnings, he became a lawyer, established the country’s most powerful trade union organisation and was a key player in negotiating the end of apartheid. After losing out at an earlier attempt to become president, he turned to business and rapidly became one of South Africa’s richest men – while also attracting controversy over allegations about his role during the Marikana massacre of striking m...

Ukraine’s Stolen Billions and the Riddle of the Helipad

February 15, 2018 13:45 - 12.3 MB

The Parkovy Conference and Exhibition Centre, a huge modernist structure of concrete and glass, stands boldly on the banks of the Dnieper River in central Kiev, a helipad on the roof. It hosted the official after party for last year’s Eurovision Song Contest and was meant to be a symbol of Ukraine’s economic development. Instead, four years after President Yanukovych was overthrown by a people sick of corruption, it has become a focus of efforts to reclaim the billions of dollars said to have...

Mairead's First Communion

February 15, 2018 12:00

Mairead is excited about making her First Communion with all her school friends. But for her non-practising Catholic parents, Anne and Joe, it's not so simple as they navigate their way through this Irish tradition. (2014)

Her Story Made History: Madeha al-Ajroush

February 14, 2018 12:00 - 12.7 MB

Lyse Doucet travels to Saudi Arabia to meet Madeha al-Ajroush, who battled for 30 years to get women the right to drive. It is a battle she has now won, as women in the kingdom will legally be allowed to drive later this year. As a Saudi woman, she says, "you’ll always be treated like a child and never like an adult. And that was a problem, and it continued till this day - but things are opening up now."

Digital Migration

February 13, 2018 14:00 - 12.9 MB

Goodpath was once an agricultural village but is now home to 61 massive factories and 40,000 migrant workers who came from rural China to better their lives. The migrants work very long hours in poor conditions and then spend the rest of their time in cramped rooms, often sharing living space and beds. However most have been able to buy smart phones from the local mobile phone shop and have set up social media accounts on platforms like QQ, the social media giant in China that provides instan...

DocArchive (1980): Great Art Beaten Down

February 13, 2018 12:00

Hugh Lane amassed a collection of pictures with his brilliant eye for art. A man whose life was surrounded by the sort of controversy which was only equalled by his untimely death onboard the Lusitania in 1915. The fate of 39 paintings has been a bone of contention between British and Irish governments that still remains unsolved. (1980)

638: Rom-Com

February 11, 2018 23:00

The one thing you know for sure when you're watching a romantic comedy is that it's going to turn out okay in the end. When you're living one? Not so much. This week for Valentine's Day, stories that unfold like rom-coms.

Radio Doc: Opgejaagd # 2. Een veredelde parkeerplaats | Plots - Naar bed | 11-02-2018

February 11, 2018 20:00 - 38.1 MB

Opgejaagd # 2. Een veredelde parkeerplaats: Hoe ziet ons onderwijssysteem en de kinderopvang eruit als je kijkt door de ogen van iemand uit Scandinavië? Documentairemaker Jennifer Pettersson woont al 20 jaar in Nederland en voelde zich hier altijd thuis. Maar sinds ze kinderen heeft, is dat veranderd. Nu twijfelt ze of ze niet beter terug kan gaan naar Zweden. Vandaag aflevering 2 van Opgejaagd.Jennifer blijft steeds langer hangen op de school van haar oudste dochter, omdat de juf het niet al...

Radiologische Lesung 5 - Absichtslose Zusammenkunft

February 11, 2018 18:30 - 10.3 MB

Opgejaagd # 2. Een veredelde parkeerplaats: Hoe ziet ons onderwijssysteem en de kinderopvang eruit als je kijkt door de ogen van iemand uit Scandinavië? Documentairemaker Jennifer Pettersson woont al 20 jaar in Nederland en voelde zich hier altijd thuis. Maar sinds ze kinderen heeft, is dat veranderd. Nu twijfelt ze of ze niet beter terug kan gaan naar Zweden. Vandaag aflevering 2 van Opgejaagd.Jennifer blijft steeds langer hangen op de school van haar oudste dochter, omdat de juf het niet al...

Del 2/2. Hempas kamp – Den nya njuren

February 11, 2018 14:03 - 46.6 MB

Kalle bestämmer sig för att donera en njure till Hempa. En gåva som kan ge barndomsvännen livet åter. Men för Kalles del går det inte riktigt som han föreställt sig. Kampen mot smärtan blir svår. Sepsis förstörde Hempas njurar och trots mer än 20 timmar i dialys varje vecka är han alltid trött och sjuk av urinförgiftning. Med alla fyra lemmar amputerade säger han: "Det här är inget liv". Följ de två vännerna och deras familjer före, under och efter operationen. Hör en unik och närgången sk...

China's Generation Gap: Beijing

February 11, 2018 05:00 - 23.4 MB

Chinese reporter Haining Liu travels to Beijing and finds out what it was like for people who grew up during the Cultural Revolution and how those who lived under strict communism relate to their children who have had much more material, individualistic lives. And she hears about new attitudes to work and education as more people choose to study and work and outside the state system.

Little Mouse in the Corner

February 09, 2018 12:00

Being a shy person is often seen as something that you will overcome as you get older. Many introverts feel that there is something wrong with them. Being an introvert is perfectly normal and defining it as something you lack doesn't seem fair. Pauline Dunne decided to challenge the common perceptions. Think you know introverts, think again!

Madness of War

February 09, 2018 10:19 - 12.1 MB

In a small cold courtyard in Herat in Afghanistan, two former enemies sit chained together. One is a former warlord, the other a Taliban fighter. Both men are dangerous. Both men are suffering from severe psychiatric conditions. The courtyard is where all 300 inmates of Afghanistan’s only secure psychiatric spend their day; men and women who are too dangerous to be treated in a general hospital. Nearly four decades of war have left a terrible legacy of mental health problems in Afghanistan. I...

Re:sound #250 Our 250th Show

February 09, 2018 06:00

This hour, we look back on some of our favorite moments from the past 14 years of Re:sound. With former producers Katia Dunn, Roman Mars, Delaney Hall and Katie Mingle, we listen to excerpts of memorable Re:sound moments and episodes: The Karaoke Tupperware Show The Confessions Show The Phone ShowThe Transmissions Show The Feedback Show The Music of Everyday Things Show The Night Show The Centenarians ShowThe Stories from Childhood ShowThe Driving ShowThe Odd Couples Show This episode of Re...

Re:sound #250 Our 250th Show

February 09, 2018 06:00 - 66.4 MB

This hour, we look back on some of our favorite moments from the past 14 years of Re:sound. With former producers Katia Dunn, Roman Mars, Delaney Hall and Katie Mingle, we listen to excerpts of memorable Re:sound moments and episodes: The Karaoke Tupperware Show The Confessions Show The Phone Show The Transmissions Show The Feedback Show The Music of Everyday Things Show The Night Show The Centenarians Show The Stories from Childhood Show The Driving Show The Odd Couples S...

Her Story Made History: Monica McWilliams

February 07, 2018 12:00 - 12.6 MB

Monica McWilliams was one of only two local women who were at the table during negotiations which led to the Good Friday Agreement of 1998. BBC Chief International Correspondent Lyse Doucet visits Belfast to hear her story.

Three Pillars of Trump: Healthcare Reform

February 06, 2018 15:34 - 12.7 MB

Donald Trump campaigned on numerous issues, but when it came time for action in the early days of his administration, healthcare reform was his top legislative priority. “Repealing and replacing” the Democrats’ Obamacare system has proven harder than it seems. Time and time again the Republican-controlled Congress was unable to pass sweeping changes. Anthony Zurcher, examines the challenges facing Donald Trump’s Administration, including efforts to replace Obamacare as well as his handling of...

DocArchive(1998): God's Own Farmers

February 06, 2018 12:00

Cistercian bells have been ringing across Europe since 1098. This religious order created the continent's first farmlands. In 1998, they celebrated 900 yrs of prayer and farming. Arriving in Ireland in 1142, their architecture is seen in the picturesque ruins of their abbeys. What influence did they have on economic life in medieval Ireland?

637: Words You Can't Say

February 04, 2018 23:00

In this politically charged climate, it feels like you have to be super careful with your language, no matter who you are or what side you're on. Stories about people who say the “wrong” thing and suffer the consequences, including a very conservative Republican from Louisiana who's lambasted for being too liberal.

Radio Doc: Opgejaagd #1. De Schoonmaakmoeder | Vensters | 04-02-2018

February 04, 2018 20:00 - 38.1 MB

Opgejaagd #1. De Schoonmaakmoeder: Hoe goed is het Nederlandse systeem van kinderopvang en basisscholen? Dat vraagt devan oorsprong Zweedse Jennifer Pettersson zich af in de 8-deligeserie Opgejaagd. Radio Doc zendt de komende weken de eerste drie delen uit van deze podcast.Sinds Jennifer kinderen heeft, voelt ze zich een vreemde in Nederland; het land waar baby's opgevangen worden door crèche-leidsters die immuun zijn voor huilgeluiden en waar kleuters dolblij mogen zijn meteen volle minuut a...

Dödsmisshandeln av Riccardo Campogiani

February 04, 2018 17:03 - 56.7 MB

Riccardo och hans bästa vän Filippo ska åka hem från en 15-årsfest i centrala Stockholm. Men ett bråk startar och slutar med att 16-åriga Riccardo ligger medvetslös på trottoaren. Närmre hundra glada tonåringar är bjudna till en 15-årsfest på Kungsholmen i centrala Stockholm. Klockan är runt midnatt när stämningen förändras vid lekplatsen utanför lokalen. Riccardo och hans bästa vän Filippo har just bestämt sig för att åka hem när ett bråk sätter igång. För P3 Dokumentär berättar nu en av...

Del 1/2. Hempas kamp – Blodförgiftningen

February 04, 2018 14:03 - 45.8 MB

40-årige Henrik Hempa Posse får feber. Det som familjen tror är en vanlig förkylning, visar sig vara en livshotande form av sepsis, blodförgiftning. Följ Hempas blodiga kamp för att överleva. Sepsis gör att immunförsvaret attackerar Hempas egen kropp. Läkarna tvingas amputera både armar och ben. Njurarna förstörs och tvingar honom till dialys mer än 20 timmar i veckan. Alltid trött och urinförgiftad. Barndomsvännen Kalle läser på Facebook att Hempa behöver en ny njure. Han får en vision. T...

A Man Out Of Time

February 02, 2018 12:00

Fr. Pat Noise died when his carriage plunged into the Liffey in 1919. His death is commemorated by a plaque on O'Connell Bridge, installed without permission by a mysterious group. This was also where the Millennium Clock was lowered into the Liffey before disappearing after a few months. Was it coincidental that both events happened at this spot?

Escape from Croatia’s Asylums

February 01, 2018 13:45 - 12.4 MB

Unlike many other nations of Europe, thousands of people with mental illness still live in asylums in Croatia. But not in Osijek… In this small city in the far east, dozens of people have moved from mental institutions into regular apartments in the community. One of the asylums has closed completely. The other has become a centre for recovery and respite, with just a few elderly residents. This process is called ‘de-institutionalisation’: a recognition that people with mental health challeng...