This week, Jim sits down with Andrew Buehler to discuss how Andrew went from concept to over $250k a month in under two years through a combination of crowdsourced funding, sales knowledge, and innovative digital marketing and growth tactics.



The secret to crowdfundingActivating your networkWhat you need to launchHow to cold emailThe importance of sales skillsCustomer AcquisitionResilientDesign Advice


Urban SmokehouseJim Huffman websiteJim's TwitterGrowthHitThe Growth Marketer's Playbook

Additional episodes you might enjoy:

Startup Ideas by Paul Graham (#45)

Nathan Barry: How to Bootstrap a Company to $30M in a Crowded Market (#41)

How I Met My Biz Partner and Less Learned Hitting $2M ARR (#44)

Ryan Hamilton on his Netflix special, touring with Jerry Seinfeld, & how to write a joke (#10)

How We're Validating Startup Ideas (#51)


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