In Phoenix, AZ, a 24 year old woman was apprehended
for multiple counts of identity theft across three different

It seems, this woman committed her first act of
identity theft when she stole a purse from a woman's
car when she was dropping her child off at daycare.

According to a recent survey by Javelin Strategy,
33% of all identity theft cases which occurred
in 2007 were the result of a lost or stolen wallet,
checkbook, & credit cards.

So, our tip for today, is to be on the guard against those
identity thieves who spot opportunities to steal your
valuable personal data when you are distracted.

Don't ever leave your purse, cellphone, etc. in
your car without you being there as it only
takes minutes for a desperate criminal to
make you their next victim.
But, identity theft will impact you with hundreds of hours
to clear your good name from the thousands of dollars of
financial damage an identity thief typically will cause.

Finally, be a good friend and tell your associates and relatives
about today's tip and just how quickly they can guard their
financial well being from dishonest identity thieves.

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