In a bizarre twist to two cases of identity
theft, one perpetrator faces a life sentence
while another has their previous conviction
over turned by the courts.

Maryland's highest court overturned
yesterday a Howard County man's conviction
on identity theft charges, ruling that the
state law is ambiguous and can't be used
to prosecute someone who takes the identity
of a fictitious person.

"Two of the seven judges dissented, arguing
that legislators could not have intended the
"illogical result" of allowing a perpetrator to
escape prosecution by using a fake identity."
Crazy isn't that judges would allow a convicted
identity theft criminal to go free while in the
next case you will see the opposite end of the
spectrum represented within the same state
of Maryland.

Meanwhile, in Anne Arundel County, a woman
is facing the prospect of a life behind bars after
pleading guilty of aggravated identity theft.

It seems, according to the case investigators,
the identity thief used her victim's lost wallet
and identity to get narcotic pain medication
from 85 hospitals and health care providers
throughout 11 different states across America.

Two different cases, same state, with polar
extremes to the justice ultimately rendered
for identity theft victims.

So, our tip for today is to not count on the
justice system to always work in your favor
should you become an identity theft victim.

Take proactive care of your own financial
freedom by guarding against identity theft
from ever happening to you.

Seek out, especially for medical identity theft,
a solution to catch the often times hard to catch
criminal activity against your good reputation.

Remember, its up to you to take the first steps
to insure your chances of becoming an identity
theft victim do not need to rely upon the courts
to remedy you after its too late.This article may be published in it's entirety on your site.

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