Episode 3 of the IDEAL Plans Ideal Advisors Podcast details a step by step process to mobilize your message (your brand) and establish credibility within your target market.  Whether you want to attract more new ideal clients, improve retention, or position yourself as an expert you will need effective marketing.  There was an old saying that if you built a better mousetrap the world would beat a path to your door.  But we all know that isn’t the case.  Attracting new clients and creating advocacy among your current clients and centers of influence requires real work.  Using the IDEAL Plan Process as a framework, your host will take you through a check list of all the building blocks.  It starts with having a plan that you can follow.  Then he'll dive into each section: custom collateral, social media, website optimization, conversational storytelling, publishing, and advertising. By taking action to improve the different components you'll soon have a message that is reaching your ideal clients.