Clients have needs and aspirations they can't put a price tag on. 

Client's attitudes towards their own longevity, health care, elder care, career, charity, community, spirituality, and legacy all lack a dollar value.  These areas, and possible many more, are all very important yet cannot be solved purely through a quantitative or numbers-based approach.    

This mismatch creates an opportunity for a wealth manager to use a qualitative approach. 

To solve non-numeric issues you need to ask the right questions and coordinate different disciplines of knowledge.  However, you may not have all the required knowledge to solve every need.  So assemble and coordinate a team of experts in the different complementary services your clients require.  

By listening to this episode, you will learn how to identify those life issues, how you can work with other experts, and why your clients will appreciate you going above and beyond the empirical to help them.  Not only does this approach work to help your clients, it helps you development more revenue while enhancing your position in the marketplace.  Coordinating complementary services is not something the "robo-advisors" are going to duplicate anytime soon.