Today’s very special guest Caleb Maddix has already achieved what millions of people around the world dream of doing. Caleb is already a millionaire and more importantly, he is on the path to impact literally millions of people worldwide.

His impact driven mentality has set him up to speak alongside people like Tony Robbins, Gary Vaynerchuk, Arnold Schwarzenegger and so many more. If you are anything like me, you are wondering how this 16-year-old kid is doing all of these amazing things?!

That is actually what you are going to find out in today’s interview. From mindset, to how he was raised, to tips for parents who want to give their kids the best chances of success. We literally cover it all.

Caleb is the ultimate believer of himself. Meaning that even if nobody else believes in him and his mission he believes in himself and will NEVER back down to anyone that tells him otherwise. Caleb breaks down exactly how he cultivated this confidence in himself and steps that we can all take starting TODAY to start to build up that confidence muscle.

Key Takeaways

♦️ 2 Valuable gifts that will help set your kids up for success.

♦️ How to build up your self-esteem and confidence even without role models.

♦️ How to change your mindset.

♦️ What all successful people have in common when it comes to life and business.

♦️ The number one dream killer….

♦️ Why the greats are all obsessed with what they do and how that serves them to live their purpose and become successful and stay at the top. 

♦️ How to actually bring your idea into reality.

Guys this one is legendary, and Caleb is truly on the path to achieving things that have never been done before. I know you will gain so much knowledge from this one whether you are a student, parent or anywhere in between, I guarantee this will make a. positive impact on you and help you bring your ideas into reality.

⬇︎ Follow Caleb on His Legendary Journey

Instagram - @CalebMaddix


Want to write a book!?! Check out ➛Maddix Publishing



⬇︎Connect with Tal Here 

Instagram - @talNtamir







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