On the show today we have Rachel Jones, an incredibly humble, down to earth person, who ditched her 9-5 job as a nurse and ended up creating an extremely successful travel blog - “Hippie In Heels” - with over 1 Million views per month!

Rachel has a very motivating story that will leave you inspired to find your passion, pursue your dreams and live the life you deserve! 

We often hear about the "laptop lifestyle" and working from anywhere in the world, making it sound superficial and almost not possible. Rachel's story is much different.

She takes us on her journey from leaving her “secure” 9-5 job as a nurse to making the decision to back-pack in India which then led her on an amazing series of events that ultimately led her to create “Hippie In Heels”, an ultra-successful travel blog. Rachel has experienced some things that many of us can only dream of or watch on National Geographic.

One major thing that Rachel did on her journey was jumped & trusted that everything she did would fall into place. Making these leaps of faith over the past 6 years has led her to live a life that she would have never imagined when she first got on that plane to India.

Rachel had no idea how she was going to make money, where she would go, who she would stay with, however, she TRUSTED the process, and everything aligned for her. Today she begins a new chapter in her life and blogging career in the beautiful city of Merida in Mexico.

Her blog has been selected as “Top 50 Travel Blogs” internationally by the Expeditioner, Excellence in Blogging: Best Individual Travel Blog by SATTE Awards, and MANY MORE. She has been featured in Marie Claire Mexico, Cosmopolitan Spain, ELLE Magazine Netherlands, TripAdvisor, Buzzfeed, Huffington Post and so many more places.

After listening to this incredible story, you will feel absolutely inspired to make that leap of faith that has been on your heart for all this time.

Connect with Rachel here!

Hippie In Heels Travel Blog Instagram

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