On the show today we have Levi King. Levi is an incredible serial entrepreneur who has started and scaled multiple small businesses.

One thing I love about Levi is his humble beginnings. He grew up in a town of 300 people on a small farm with no TV or anything. He has created quite a different life for himself now and is a frequent contributor to big publications like Entrepreneur and INC, some of his childhood favorites (links below).

During his entrepreneurial journey, Levi came to the realization that there was one massive obstacle across the board while running these companies.

That obstacle was acquiring funding. Levi now has secured over 30 business loans and funding throughout his life. You can pretty much call him an expert in the field.

In this episode, Levi explains how he leveraged his experiences from these initial businesses to implement them to help create this behemoth and current company NAV, which is helping small businesses around the world solve this funding problem head on!

Awareness and knowledge are key to overcome this obstacle and Levi does everything he can to provide that for you while helping you secure the right business loan for your company.

Levi talks about being authentic, business psychology staying transparent and true to yourself in order to make big things happen for you and your business. 

On top of all that we got into Levi's venture capital funding rounds which he has now undergone multiple rounds. How he got the funding, what he did to put himself in that situation and what he actually did with the funds once they were received.

There is so much to learn and enjoy in this episode I know you will love it!

Sit back, relax and enjoy with Mr. Levi King.



Levi King: NAV LinkedIn Entrepreneur.com Articles Inc.com Articles

Tal Tamir: Instagram Facebook YouTube iTunes