What is the difference between user experience (UX) and customer experience (CX)? People often use these terms interchangeably and conflate. And that results in poor or sometimes terrible customer experience.

I have Carsten Ley talking about what makes CX better and what breaks it for worse in this podcast episode.

In this episode, we talk about:

What's the difference between CX (customer experience) and UX (user experience)?Problem with tech companies and CX.Why do things go wrong in CX? Where are the usual gaps?Companies have had systems for quite some time; why are there still issues?The misconception of having a system.The interplay between departments and its impact.How and why are banks still ancient companies?How do you handle an angry customer?What people often ignore about CX?How complicated systems and processes are contributing to poor CX?How can companies fix CX problems and make them better?What can you as an individual do to make CX better?How do you stay positive and help customers?

Carsten is an entrepreneur, enabler & project lead in experience management, OKRs, project & change management. After his 20+ year career in Banking, Consulting, Project & Customer Experience Management for companies like Deloitte, VW, Rolls-Royce, and Lazada in Europe, Latin America & South East Asia, he founded Asia PMO in 2018.

His consulting firm is focused on getting clients fast and efficient into implementing company objectives, customer/ employee experience actions, and projects to foster a result- and team-oriented environment to excel in today's accelerated world.

Besides helping 30+ clients sustainably implement Experience Management & OKRs, he is an internationally accomplished keynote speaker, trainer & Coach. He was recently elected in the top 150 CX global thought leaders.

ICT Podcast is all about innovation, communication, and technology – a few key areas that are super important in today's world. If you want to know what it takes to be a better innovator, better communicator, and leverage technology to make this world a better place, please subscribe. Every week, I bring new perspectives, ideas, tips, and techniques so that you can improve all these aspects of your life.

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