They say that anyone can answer a question but it takes smarts to ask the right question. And while it is true, questions and answers cannot be seen in siloes. They are always connected for obvious reasons. But more importantly, it is not just a question that needs smarts, but also an answer that needs intelligence.
While a long-winded response is not a preferred answer, a concisely given incorrect answer is equally useless. So, what is Answer Intelligence (AQ), and how to develop it? I am talking with Brian Glibkowski in this episode to discuss more on it.

In this episode, we are talking about:

What is more important - asking the right question or answering appropriately?What makes or breaks an answer?Importance of recognizing what is being asked.How can one understand context?How to handle situations when you don't have a context?Origin of AQ (Answer Intelligence) framework.The six high AQ practices.Problems with overdoing only one aspect and how to avoid them?How AQ applies in a group setting?How does it help listeners?More resources to learn about AQ and practice.

Dr. Brian Glibkowski is passionate about the role of questions and answers in business and society. Brian is an internationally recognized scholar. He is a recipient of the Emerald Citation of Excellence Award. His academic article was selected as one of the top 50 globally from 15,000 management articles in 300 peer-reviewed publications worldwide. His research on the six WH-questions (what, why when, where, who, how) as the Association of Human Resource Development recognized a common framework for communication and decision-making as one of ten articles that will shape the 21st century. He is a pioneer of a new science of answers called Answer Intelligence (AQ)™.  He is the author of the book Answer Intelligence: Raise Your AQ (2021). Through AQ certification and associated assessments and tools, AQ is used by certified partners in the USA, UK, UAE, India, and Australia to benefit forward-thinking organizations worldwide.

Dr. Glibkowski is a Professor and CEO of Semplar Science, the company established to commercialize his research. Learn more at

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