Welcome to the ICT podcast. This is the second episode of season three. Today I am talking to a psychologist. Not in the way you might be guessing. But with someone who has a Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology, Liane Davey.

A New York Times Bestselling author of three books, Liane is also known as the water cooler psychologist. And we are talking about team dynamics, leadership in current times, hybrid work environments, and so on.

In this episode, we are talking about:

Role of an organizational psychologistWhat does team dynamic mean?How has team dynamics evolved over the past decade?Issues with written communication in today's world.How can you handle written communication more effectively?Hybrid has complicated the whole situation, why?The one linchpin holding team dynamics together.Why a phone call is still the best option?What's the alternative for having water-cooler conversations?Practical advice for the new team managers.

Liane Davey is a New York Times Bestselling author of three books, including The Good Fight: Use Productive Conflict to Get Your Team and Your Organization Back on Track and You First: Inspire Your Team to Grow Up, Get Along, and Get Stuff Done.

Known as the Water Cooler Psychologist, she is a regular contributor to the Harvard Business Review and frequently called on by media outlets for her experience in leadership, team effectiveness, and productivity.

As the co-founder of 3COze Inc., she advises companies such as Amazon, TD Bank, Walmart, UNICEF, 3M, and SONY.

Liane has a PhD in Organizational Psychology.

ICT Podcast is all about innovation, communication, and technology – a few key areas that are super important in today's world. If you want to know what it takes to be a better innovator, better communicator, and leverage technology to make this world a better place, please subscribe. Every week, I bring new perspectives, ideas, tips, and techniques so that you can improve all these aspects of your life. 

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