Today on the podcast, I have someone who is often called the first leadership guru for the digital generation. Emmanuel Gobillot.

He divides his time between researching and writing, speaking and consulting globally on leadership, collaboration and innovation. As an author of 6 bestsellers and three ebooks, Emmanuel is one of the foremost thinkers on new leadership and organisation models.

And today, we are talking about the role of leadership in innovation and change.

In this episode, we are talking about:

What do you mean by "There must be a better way, and together we can find it?"What is the common theme in organisational culture that goes wrong often?How does formalisation hinder or restrict the progress in an organisation?How can leaders choose when to go formal way or otherwise?Go alone, or go together? Go far or go faster?Isn't then collaboration means we go slower?Quality-Cost-Delivery, is it possible to achieve all three?How to rock the boat when changing?How are things different post-Covid?

Described as 'the first leadership guru for the digital generation' and 'the freshest voice in leadership today, Emmanuel divides his time between researching and writing, speaking and consulting globally on leadership, collaboration and innovation.

He is the author of 6 UK and US bestsellers and three ebooks, establishing him as one of the foremost thinkers on new leadership and organisation models.

Before starting his firm, Emmanuel was Director of FMCG Consulting and Leadership Services at HayGroup. A French National, Emmanuel moved to the UK in 1985. He holds an International Baccalaureate, a Master of Arts with Honours and a Diploma in Management Science.

ICT Podcast is all about innovation, communication, and technology – a few key areas that are super important in today's world. If you want to know what it takes to be a better innovator, better communicator, and leverage technology to make this world a better place, please subscribe. Every week, I bring new perspectives, ideas, tips, and techniques so that you can improve all these aspects of your life. 


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