Diversity and Inclusion are not just HR topics anymore. They affect every functional area in the organization. And, when any topic has such a widespread impact, it is imperative to understand it further. Not only to understand but see it from a practical point of view.
To discuss this crucial topic this week, our guest is Sarah Tabet. As Sarah puts it, "Inclusion is not the same as diversity. Diversity is easy; inclusion isn't."

We talk about:

Why does D&I interest you? How does it help in making an organization more innovative? How does it help in a technology focussed environment? Any examples from your work at Schneider that could support your thoughts? People talk a lot (rather too much) about D&I, but very little change happens in reality - why do you think it is so? What is your suggestion to improve it and have D&I in practice? What can an individual do by themselves, or is it only organizations to do anything? Why did you write the book?

Sarah is an HR professional with more than a decade of international experience across the Middle East and Africa, based in Dubai. In addition to her current HR Director global role within Schneider Electric, she has been an active advocate of Diversity and Inclusion in the HR and D&I space to influence and promote change in our world.

She has been invited to speak locally and regionally on topics that include the Future of the workplace, HR Digital Transformations, Diversity and Inclusion, HR, and Women empowerment. In January 2020, she was granted the Women in Leadership Award (WIL) award for Diversity and Inclusion from the MICE quotient. Sarah recently published the book Inclusion Starts with U to promote the message and need for a diverse, inclusive and more tolerant world. The book aims to deliver her ambition of helping individuals realize the true term of Diversity and Inclusion and encourage them to join the conversation.

About the Podcast:
ICT Podcast all about innovation, communication, and technology – a few key areas that are super important in today’s world. 

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