You’ve probably heard it said that we, as humans, don’t know what we have until it’s gone. And that’s true, isn’t it? We overlook the good things we receive or grow bored of them quickly. But when we nurture a worldview and an internal sense of gratitude and real value, our lives become even fuller and more fulfilled. 

After transitioning from military service to life as a civilian entrepreneur and businessman, Wally Carmichael found himself chasing success in a lot of misguided ways. One moment in paradise changed all of that, and Wally began to put his focus on gratitude, abundance, and re-organizing his priorities to focus on his family. He founded the Men of Abundance podcast to help guide others to a similar mindset and continues to teach through the show and through coaching. 

On this episode of the Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life Podcast, Wally and Rock discuss actively practicing gratitude for what we have and all the good things that come when we do, the importance of recognizing your natural strengths while learning to understand (and even adopt) different ones, and creating a mindset of abundance in a world that emphasizes scarcity. Listen in to open your mind to the overflow of good things in your life.