When was the last time you looked at someone speaking on a stage or teaching online and thought, “I wish I were as smart as them”? Most of us have, but what many of us don’t tend to realize is that those gurus have no real edge that we don’t. We just haven’t tapped into ours yet.

Jonathan Levi admits that he harbors a deeply-rooted obsession with learning. Although shy and unsure of himself growing up, once he put himself in tune with the unique ways that he learns, Jonathan became unstoppable. These days he teaches others the techniques, science and philosophies behind effective, insatiable learning through his online platform, SuperHuman Academy, the accompanying podcast and his book, The Only Skill That Matters. 

On this episode of the Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life Podcast, Rock and Jonathan delve into proactively becoming the kind of person who wants to achieve what you want to achieve, building a business that serves and sells, and how passionate, radical curiosity – paired with the right strategies for learning – can shift your identity in any way you choose. Join the conversation and learn to take advantage of your brain’s natural talents.